Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rolling Tobacco And Pipe Tobacco Difference


On the road to Puerto Vallarta, there's plenty to gorge Agave. The agave for those who do not drink tequila, cactus is used in the production of this famous beverage.

By stopping on the roadside and asking, we had the chance to visit Don Crispin factory.

It Gustavio or Gustavo or Augustino, who explained that the cactus must be 8 years before being harvested. Once cut, they remove leaves and store the root that it will produce about 26 liters of Tequila. The tasting was especially good tequila-flavored tangerine.

was to fall in drunk!

While we visited Puerto Vallarta was playing the game of soccer, France vs. Mexico, the World Cup. The atmosphere was at the rendezvous. For each goal, we heard honking, shouting, applauding, whistling ...

Green white red Mexican flag was omnipresent on the jerseys on the terraces, on the cheeks ... We are supporters did not hesitate to say we come from Quebec. "Hablamos ingles, pero somos de Quebec. No de Francia! "This does not fail to laugh our interlocutors.

In the port of Puerto Vallarta, there was a huge cruise ship and the malecon (boardwalk) many people were walking in the sun.

Nous avons dormi dans un village de surfeurs américanisé à fond où tout coûte la peau des fesses, Sayulita. Sayulita Trailer park n’offrait rien d’extra et nous étions une fois de plus les seuls campeurs.

À la sortie de Sayulita, la multitude de kiosques longeant la route nous offraient cette fois des dulces (des bonbons). Il y en avait à toutes les saveurs, de All textures. All looked delicious, but we opted for the coconut sweets. A real treat!

A real treat for the palate this road, but to my amateur eyes of mangos . Thousands of mango trees fill the landscape is like Farmville Anne-So (the sister of PO).

trees at 100%, they are bursting with fruit and I imagine in Lafontaine Park picking a mango and crunchy in it! I am all kinds of dreams for the miles we drive! haha

The day ended with a thunder storm. Lightning filling the sky and me 2 eyes closed, I remembered my physical science course: the rubber does not lead, the rubber does not lead! Haha

Dodo in the parking lot Walmart in Mazatlan.

Saturday, uncertain about the idea of crossing into Baja California, we went to the port information. We learn that the next start is Monday night and that the crossing costs a small fortune + / - $ 400. We sit with our calculator and our rationality, we decided to neglect Baja California, due to time and saving'$$$.

Some day in Mazatlan and we will begin the road to the United States of America. Mazatlan is another big city crowded cement, hotels and campsites for rich gringos!

After 2 hours searching for a place to land (other than Walmart), we decide that enough is enough and we are on the way to go and discover the delights of the American West. As well as putting $ 40 in a campsite that well worthwhile!

On the road again soon enough, because we lose one hour again. Moreover, in the things of our hectic day in the desert gasping ago:

1 - cross the Tropic of Cancer

2 - a halt fitosanitario something, where 2 p'tits gents wanted us to have finally throwing our fruit we ate in their face

3 to 1 magnificent sunset in large fields.

Nous voilà de nouveau à la super chaîne hôtelière Walmart pour un dodo au cœur de Obregon et à 500 kilomètres de la frontière.


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