Saturday, July 31, 2010

Type Of Weave Keri Hilson


Two weeks have passed since our return from our drive back to reality.

Leaving Arches National Park, we decided to latch. We wanted to be in Quebec for the celebration of my mom and give her a surprise, July 20. Mission accomplished in less than three days, we traveled 3500 km. There are superman, but here we have renamed PO superdriver . On the road, we admired the Colorado mountains and breathe the fresh air of the Rockies. We also slept in a rest area located on the waterfront, it was super nice. Subsequently, we crossed Nebraska, Iwoa, Illinois and worse there was flat, flat, flat and stuff straight. Sleep not too far from Chicago. We continued the road, we drive to Michigan and finally arrived in the evening, one is near Toronto and it's starting to speak French. How sweet it is in our ears, French.
Using our road early, we could unlock the door of our apartment at 4pm, two hours before the surprise party for my mother. We spent a wonderful evening to find our parents and tell them details of our stories.

past two weeks, there's really no time to be bored. Our days are very busy, but there is a little empty. I do not know what is it? Perhaps the sound of the sea? Maybe it's the freedom of being a traveler and discover everything? Maybe what I miss are the hellos of people you meet on the street?

were sometimes flash and PO and I looked at each other and say: Hey, people are stressed bin here!

For my part, my resolution is to enjoy ... Biting into life as an apple and to do that, I'm already preparing my next trip! haha

If you followed our adventures and have enjoyed being transported into the intricacies of Central America and the American West, please let us know your pleasures. For travelers who seek advice or tips, feel free to ask questions.
Here are our email addresses:,

hope to write more exciting epics!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Wedding Colors Persimmon


We said adios to Las Vegas on Tuesday, July 12 to 8hPM. We fully enjoyed our last day in the mad metropolis (game, buffet, shopping ...). PO was eager to see the Hover Dam. Straddling the border of Nevada and Arizona, this 228 meter high dam has been created to serve the water and electricity to cities in the region, including Las Vegas. Arrived before the Hover Dam, I take a picture more or less beautiful because of the darkness, but Po is keen to have one good to show his father. He decided to park anyhow in a place where one can clearly read: "Closed "Crossing the road to approach and better capture the structure. Suddenly, a minute later I hear a siren screaming. Sat in the car, I shout: "PO PO PO the POPOlice!

officer asked for our papers and we said that we break the law by being stationed here and the amount of the fine is $ 200 U.S.. Disaster (as Lisa said)!! Alarmed by the astronomical amount that makes us live a full two weeks in Nicaragua, baraguine one: "... Please Mr. Officer, we apologize and we're going now! . I do not know if this is our lovely accent that did it cracked, but we finally hit the road sweaty forehead, mouth open, but with our U.S. $ 200 in his pocket and a nice picture!

canyons, it has over the head. Unfortunately, we did not have time to visit them in depth, but we come to notice and admire, however, the peculiarities of each.

Grand Canyon : After having heard so much, here we are, before this huge hole 1,600 meters deep and more or less 16 kilometers wide. The Colorado River that runs through the canyon on 450 km from the hollow six million years and has uncovered rocks as old as two billion years, half the age of the earth. (Lonely Planet) We only visited the southern side which is the most accessible and well equipped.

Glen Canyon (Lac Powell) : Nous nous sommes émerveillés devant ce lac, le deuxième plus grand bassin artificiel des Etats-Unis. Il s’étend entre l’Utah et l’Arizona. Il représente réellement un oasis en plein désert et le bleu de son eau nous donne qu’une seule envie, y plonger. Evidemment, devant ce magnifique paysage, nous n’avons pu résister. Nous avons enfilé nos maillots et savourer le moment en s’offrant une séance de frisbee et une longue Bathing before the Lone Rock.

Zion : Promised Land Rasta, or rather road construction. We went through long tunnels dug in the spectacular cayon and zigzagged through the winding roads to get to the Visitor Center. The day was hot and crowded parking. Comments from a family Belgian encountered, we were dissuaded from making the tour bus a half hours. Instead, we preferred resigning pampered (changing the gas filter) before cooling off in the River.

Bryce Canyon : Getting to Bryce was a pleasure in itself. We through a beautiful section of the Dixie National Forest (Route 14). We visited Bryce mainly by car and followed the steps suggested by the Lonely Planet suggested that we start at the end. Indeed, the succession of viewpoints delighted us gradually. Bryce Canyon is characterized by its amphitheaters (gathering of rocks in a semicircle) and commonly known as hoodoos hoodoos. Bryce Point, the last point of observation that we did, we were impressed by its vastness and its view of 180 degrees. We were also able to ascertain its depth (300 meters), its cliffs and its variety of shades of orange which explains the stone age.

Capital Reef : By chance and thanks to the valuable advice of the Ranger, we've taken Route 12 and then 24 to make us to Arches. Again, the scenery was breathtaking. Also in Dixie National Forest, we climbed the hills that led us to over 9000 feet. Vegetation were abundant as the animals (deer, birds, bison, llamas, cows ...) and fresh air was so good. Our day ended at the site of Capital Reef National Park. I, immediately, was bewitched by planting apricot trees that lined pêchiers and campgrounds. Mostly I jumped for joy when I read: "U Pick". Here I am picking and crunching teeth into the tasty apricots. Peaches, they will only be ready in two weeks. Yep! I thought about myself to stay two more weeks! hahaha

might as well be at Capital Reef National Park, why not enjoy it? So we decided to go the scenic route, hoping to find new types of piles of rocks. We have been overwhelmed by the view. The route followed the footsteps of the river (Grand Wash) and led us through the canyon. Broken neck, trying to see the tops of rocks. It was fantastic! We also walked to the uranium mine that was used to produce radioactivity curative, but also served as a bandit hideout in Butch Cassidy. At the end of the paved path, we pushed further into the trail, the same that were used by early pioneers. You could also read some names carved into the rock and the years of their passage. Enough of our morning, we took the road towards our last stop.

Arches : Last visited national park, but not least. We quickly went around Moab, Arches of the nearby town to fill our water bottles and our stomachs. The visit of the National Park begins with a steep climb in car apical summit opens with beautiful orange red rock formations. Walls and rock walls that leave us speechless, speechless. When visiting Arches, we are excited at the sight of a sandstone arch. We mainly concentrate our jaunts to the park at sites easily accessible because it was already late for our entrance into the park. Delicate Arch, Balanced Rock and the Windows section we have enough, it was magnificent!

Where am I?

As noted, our days were filled with canyons, forests, deserts, wonder, while our nights we are almost always content to the popular hotel chain: Walmart (Kingman, Page, Cedar City).

Having discovered some national parks of the American West was a great experience, but our timing was really too tight. In fact, it is only within them, when you feel so small compared to the magic of nature, we realize we could have spent six months of their visit to our holiday and despite this, we would still have enough time. No photograph can truly reflect the grandeur of landscapes and perfect.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Average American Women]

Typhoon and July 14

Comme certains d’entre vous le savent déjà, le premier typhon de la saison, Canson est passé mardi dernier sur les Philippines, heureusement, pas très puissant, on a juste eu un peu de pluie, beaucoup de vent pendant la nuit, et un black out d’environ 24h, mais bon, pas vraiment de catastrophe, du moins pas dans notre quartier, tous les restos et certains bâtiments de l’université ont des générateurs, donc quasiment tout fonctionnait correctement le mercredi, malgré l’impression de chaos que donnait les arbres au milieu de la route et les feuilles partout dans le campus, comme si a baby giant had enjoyed shaking all the trees at night.

But the Filipinos and their obsession with cleanliness helping at 11am, everything was cleaned almost.
In these moments we still think anyone who did not have a roof that night, all those street children who had to be afraid, feeling cold, injured, wet ... we realize the potential importance of simply 4 walls and a solid roof.

few hours after these sad reflections, I am ready, in evening dress and heels, makeup, and her hair went to celebrate as it should be July 14 at the Sofitel ...

Preparations with Celine, another French living in Barangka.

Crossing of Barangka in evening dress was pretty memorable, more for spectators than for us, fortunately, we find a taxi quite comfortable for 5 (minimum for taxis here, but good to 6 7 or 8 it also works), ; and go!

arrived outside the hotel, total shock to such luxury, so close to some of the poorest neighborhoods of Manila.

But the worst was entering the lobby, with the gargantuan buffet.

But before that, we were treated to speeches from the ambassador, the Philippine anthem (as every morning at 9 am in college), the Marseillaise,

Ambassador before a replica of the Louvre pyramid.

And finally, the fireworks with a glass of wine and a glass of champagne, then a huge plate with salad, fried potatoes, real bread (something not found here), with sausage and cheese (if you saw how the French threw themselves on the cheeses. ... I think the servers have had something to say upon returning home that evening.

And the dessert buffet was no less impressive.

But hey, too French, too white for me (how can I do to return to France ...), I was quite impressed with the number of students in Manila, NGOs or volunteers simply interns (law firm or firms). A night off from reality, but still much appreciated.

The pin ups, dressed all in all for less than 15 euros ...

And down stairs to the ballroom.

Contrasts of Manila, are his charm as his grief.