Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bible Quotes On Communication

The video of my stay in Vietnam


compilation of all photos taken during my stay in Vietnam as a video, which will act trailer for future articles where I tell you these ten days of vacation with Alice ...

Woman In The Glory Hole

Goa weekend "full-bursts" of 16 to 19 October

Goa (347)

(photos of Goa by clicking this link)

After a week (ending) exams, I decided on a whim joining Fabien Thibault and his brother to spend the weekend with them on the beaches de Goa.

Comme d’habitude, le trajet a été toute une aventure … Mon taxi a mis 3h pour arriver à l’aéroport à cause de manifestations de je-ne-sais quel parti politique qui bloquaient la moitié de la ville… J’ai bien cru que je n’arriverai jamais à temps…

Je suis finalement bien arrivée tôt le samedi matin, dans le petit bungalow de “Coco Banana” à Calangute , où les garçons étaient déjà depuis la veille.

Après un peu de repos, nous sommes allés à Old Goa visiter la basilique du bon Jésus . Pour info, en dehors the beach and partying, a great feature of Goa is the presence of numerous cathedrals dating from the time when the state of Goa was colonized by the Portuguese (450 years of presence anyway, before the India not to resume control in 1961).

Goa (70)

The boys had rented bikes for the entire stay, which allowed us to take eyeful in terms of grandiose landscapes ... really worthy of the Thai islands (but version Indian ... I'll go into later ). We finished the afternoon at the pool of "Presa di Goa", a beautiful small hotel 5 * ...

Goa (108)

After that, we dined at the restaurant Fiesta, where I was able to enjoy a wonderful plate of antipasti, but more importantly, a delicious beef tenderloin with mushrooms (remember that in India it is very difficult to find the beef because cows are sacred, and that after a few months it's missing!) ...

The next day we took the bikes direction Arambol, a beach North Goa to go bask in peace ... Once again, we drove through beautiful landscapes , and we also had the chance to meet these famous hippies much talked about, those who were trapped in the 70s and have not budged from Goa ... The night we returned to the Fiesta, and have experienced the nightlife of Goa ... A very good evening!

I left Calcutta the next day, after a little shopping and a dip in a swimming pool ...

Goa Rate: I was not expecting that at all ... But maybe because it was not the season ... I expected a lot more people, noise and mess, especially since we were on the beach supposed to be the most touristy ... But precisely this weekend was perfect because it was very quiet ...

Apart from that, Goa is truly magnificent, it's like an island, with the impression no longer be in India too ... almost. In fact, Goa is a bit like the Thai islands, but Indian version, that is to say that we must add to the beautiful scenery much disorganization and a lot of dirt ...

I returned in December, perhaps I would have another point of view?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Difference Between Cm And Sperm

My birthday at IIM-Calcutta


Myth: The Indians have strange rituals that you can not always understand -> TRUE!

A good example of this is how the students at my school are used to celebrate birthdays ...

Birthdays are celebrated midnight every cell.

For boys, her friends begin to remove their shoes for him spank to him and to his closest neighbors. For girls this step does not exist, or is replaced by a list of 3 boys that the girl must be mentioned and who take a spanking instead.

Indians then provide two birthday cakes: one that is normally eaten and shared among the guests, and a pied planned for the person whose birthday it is . A variation consists, in addition to the cake in the head, to pay the person soda ...

When asked the question has an Indian student about why this tradition, he replied that it was to make birthdays "unforgettable" ...

It is my birthday decided to drop in my presence on campus. At first I did not want to tell people, but he finally could not hide from them ... And so I celebrated my birthday "to the Indian", as shown in the following video:

I feared this moment since my arrival in Calcutta, but ultimately, it was very good- (except the 3 shampoos to remove all the pieces of cake for my hair), Thibault had bought everything needed to properly celebrate (party favors, balloons, ...) and Coralie took care of cakes (including one with a beautiful inscription "Pump Up Forever India", the beginning of the article), Marcus and William were responsible the entartage, and all students have hosted the evening ...

For Photos evening, click HERE

Padus Discjuggler Says I Need To Reboot My System

Delhi from October 3 to 5


(Photos from Delhi by clicking this link)

We finished our trip to Delhi, capital of India, for 3 days.

We were invited by Arjun , my "godfather" Indian (school sets up a buddy system before our arrival so that we do not feel too lost). It turns out that mine is particularly nice, and when I told him I was going to spend some days in Delhi, he suggested to come to his family.

So that's what we did with Thibault, and we have not regretted! His family was absolutely lovely, we ate very well, we did Arjun visited his city by telling details worthy of an encyclopedia, and we were able immersed in the life of an Indian family .


During these three days we visited a ton of monuments: the observatory Jantar Mantar, Connaught Place (the Champs Elysees of Delhi), Palika Bazaar (an underground shopping center), temples Sikhs and Hindus, Old Fort, Red Fort, a zoo (... unlikely), the largest mosque Jama Masjid, India Gate, Qutb Minar minaret ...

What I really liked:

  • Humayun's Tomb in sunset
  • Our excellent lunch at Karim's near Jama Masjid (an institution in Delhi),
  • Take tea with sweets at the Taj ( 5 * hotel chain conglomerate TATA those who do not know),
  • The Lotus Temple, one of nine temples built in the ecumenical context of the Baha'i philosophy
  • Akshardam The Temple, even if we There have been the only day of closing ...

We also had the opportunity to discuss cultural differences between France and India with her parents, we performed Hindu rites relatifs à la pleine lune, et avons été plus que chouchouté par la maman d’Arjun (y’a pas à dire, si y a bien quelque chose d’invariable dans le monde, c’est bien l’insistance des mamans-poules pour qu’on se serve et se re-serve!) .

Globalement, je n’ai pas eu de coup de coeur pour Delhi, pour la simple et bonne raison que ce n’est pas une ville mais une mégalopole absolument IMMENSE ! A côté, Paris est un petit village… Mais avoir l’occasion de vivre dans une famille indienne a finalement rendu notre séjour vraiment unique

C’est ainsi que s’est finished our road trip of two weeks, we took the plane to Calcutta, where was waiting the next day celebrating my birthday ...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pittsburgh Storage Unit Auction

Pushkar, Chittorgarh and October 2

P1470550 (Photos from Pushkar by clicking on this link)

We spent so much time on the bus between Bundi Pushkar and Pushkar as well. And this bus ride was almost more than the city folk ...

To imagine our trip, take a mountain highway, a lot of potholes, a public bus to fill holes and without dampers, and you will understand ... it was like in a roller coaster with the height of leaps that were made ...

order to have more time to visit Delhi, and as there was nothing transcendent in this city, we do have spent a few hours ...

This city is holy because it is the only location a Hindu temple dedicated to Brahma , one of three main deities of Hinduism.

Brahma in the Hindu religion, is the creator of the universe (the other two main deities being Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer) . And as creator, can not create is the reason why there is no other temple in the world dedicated to this deity.

But then why is there one? According to legend, a lotus flower would have fallen at the hands of Brahma and would have created the Pushkar Lake , and for this reason it was possible to build this temple.

We then did some shopping and took the bus last night of our trip to Delhi, where we would spend 3 days.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

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Bundi September 30 to October 2


(Photos of Chittorgarh and Bundi and clicking on this link)

parties Udaipur by car with driver 30 in the morning, we decided to make a stop at the fort of Chittorgarh for an hour.

Beautiful box, perched on a mountain with lots of small Hindu temples and Jain sculptures very fine, and a "victory lap" giving almost dizzy. Below, vast plains which once served as battlefield takes us back to the atmosphere of the wars of the time.


We will arrive in the small town of Bundi in the late afternoon and ask our backpacks to Bundi Haveli , small haveli relatively luxurious, and we still cracked ... (But the room was so cute!) And then we had tried to book in a small guesthouse strongly recommended by the Backpacker but it sold out ...

P1470115 Our room at the Haveli Bundi

is also there, at Shivam Guesthouse, we went to eat something while watching the sunset sun between the two hills surrounding the city. We then soaked up the atmosphere of the city we Backpacking in the streets, and talking with Sathi, a man of advanced age managing a small shop selling a bit of everything, but especially the "best tired of the city, even the whole of India" and a special cake to taste with cashew nuts and saffron.

Everyone says hello in the street ... It's very funny! I also recall a small woman with a cane, who stopped and said a prayer on my t-shirt that displayed a sign depicting Hindu deities ...

In the street, we also cross a fanfare before celebrations of two horses and their riders are masked and heavily decorated bring to a close the march of a crowd dancing to the rhythms ... Marriage? Divinity? We did not really know, but in any event it was a nice surprise!

Back at the hotel, we reviewed Slumdog Millionaire , and this film really took a different dimension now that I'm steeped in the country ... I I noticed details that can not be understood if one is not ripe India, I understand some Hindi words in their conversations, and I realized how good this film transcribed agitation, colors and madness of this country, which I am now literally love ...

The next day, we breakfast at the Guesthouse Shivam well because we sympathized with the family of managers, then we visited the Garh Palace, Bundi Fort, through Billu, our guide ... very nice, but very tactile so I was very nervous in the morning ...

The fort was very interesting and the comments were Billu very funny:

"So here you can see that once again, the Maharani is drinking alcohol ... In the picture from his servant is to keep trying as it does more upright ... In this picture, women are now smoking opium chicha because they were bored a lot to play all day ... And on this, women are trying to hide groom themselves for the Maharaja's spying frequently, the rascal! "


By mid-afternoon, after being assaulted by a cow less peaceful than other (moment ... totally unlikely), we had probably one of the best time of our stay in Rajasthan ...

We had lunch at Uma Magh Garden Restaurant, on a small terrace just lakeside Nawal Sagar and we enjoyed a delicious dish in a small corner of paradise ... Total relaxation, pleasure for eyes and palate ... Everything was together ...


We watched the sun set over this magnificent small town, and took a bus the next morning, Pushkar direction.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Earphones Cause Sinus Pressure

Udaipur, from September 28 to 30


(For photos of Udaipur, click on this link)

Before you start talking to Udaipur, I want to say that despite the beauty of this city, was my biggest disappointment Rajasthan. Indeed, acclaimed guides and hearsay, until I got a lot of the city "whose tastes seem out of fairy tales" (according to the Lonely Planet). But I want to reiterate that this is only my opinion ...

After over 7 hours by bus on terrible roads very bad, we do not find the taxi chartered by our hotel to pick us ... Never mind, we take a rickshaw and arrive at Rang Niwas Palace Hotel , little corner of paradise in the middle of an urban jungle ... Because after all we can say, much of Udaipur is quite ugly, far from the palace of a thousand and one nights described in the guides.

Our hotel is however a nice surprise! We had booked a suite, and we were not disappointed!

P1460791 Our suite at Rang Niwas Palace Hotel

(For people who wonder if I won the lottery to afford a trip like this, I want to say one night in this suite costs about 30 € ... And yes it is in India!)

After a few hours rest, we went to dusk in search of the lake much talked about, which houses one of the most luxurious hotels and paradise of India. Unfortunately, we do not find that night. So we decide to go see the celebration of a deity in the inner city. As an adventurer in the extreme and finding no rickshaw trying to take us, we decide to hitchhike and are collected by Abhishek (very common name in India), an Indian very nice but in broken English that we will file to Chetak Circle. Once there, we learn that the festivities are over for a good half-hour ... Definitely, it's not our night ... we'll dinner before going to sleep in our beautiful little suite.

The next morning, we finally find the lake Pichola and take a short boat ride to reach the Jagmandir Island, a small resort in the middle of the lake, very cute, but no major interest ...

We then visit the City Palace , Palace of the Maharaja of Udaipur, but this time, the palace that broke the camel's back: we have seen in all cities, I'm tired and we have not taken a guide so we do not have the keys to understanding what we see ... The palace was very pretty, but we will go through at full speed ...

The rest of the day was much nicer to us wander through the narrow streets of the old city ... We visited the Jagdish Temple , beautiful temple filled with women in saris of every color ...

few hours of shopping and a dip in our pool later, we go into a small theater to watch a dance show Rajasthan and puppets. Some think it's a tourist trap, others will be impressed by some of the dances, we, we loved it! Here is a short video of the dances:

From there we went to dinner at the poolside of Shiv Niwas Palace Hotel , a very luxurious hotel within City Palace Complex. We were the only guests, I really wondered if Thibault had not booked the entire restaurant for us ! Fine foods, a very pleasant evening, exactly what he needed for me to finally keep good memories of Udaipur!


The next day we left Udaipur chauffeured car because I had bad memories of buses between Jodhpur and Udaipur (and I still want my princess to play a little ...). Next Step: Bundi, passing par Chittorgarh.

Best 20th Birthday Quote

Jodhpur, from September 27 to 28


  (Toutes les photos de Jodhpur en cliquant sur ce lien)

Je continue – avec du retard – à vous raconter la suite du voyage au Rajasthan, pour pouvoir vite vous raconter Goa et le Vietnam…

Nous sommes arrivés à Jodhpur avec l’idée que cette ville n’était pas tout à fait intéressante (grossière erreur!). Nous avons donc décidé de ne rester qu’une seule journée, mais les horaires de bus vers Udaipur en ont décidé autrement, and finally we stayed two nights ... No regrets for that matter, not only because we were in a small guesthouse very cute and very friendly, but in addition, I personally loved this city and I almost regret not to have stayed one more day ...

We started our day by visiting Sardar Market and Clock Tower copied from Big Ben to give time to the inhabitants of the city. Very nice little place that bustles with activity and shops of all kinds ... And yes, I even broke down and bought lots of things more useless as each other ...

We then chained to visit the Mehrangarh Fort , we visited with a guide speaking, which was very nice! The fort is surely one of the finest we have seen, and our guide was very nice. We could talk about the Indian culture which was really very interesting!

During the visit, we met Quentin, Eric, and Loïc, French students who are sharing with me in Calcutta. A beautiful coincidence ! We decided to have dinner together that evening.

Another coincidence: Nolwenn - which is in the same school as me at Reims, and that we had crossed by chance in Jaipur - the name is after noon to tell me she saw my name in the register, and we sleep in the same guesthouse! She will now join us for dinner.

After a quick massage at the guesthouse, we head to the restaurant "On the Rocks," where we discover a magnificent terrace with candles on tables and a hushed ambience. After dinner, we wanted a drink in the pub next to the restaurant, but we got time stack closure (23h!!).

P1460745 "On the Rocks"

Returning to our guesthouse, we find the animation in a street. We celebrate a Hindu deity, and everyone is on his 31 ... We supply the sugar, almond paste and coconut, and we ask our new Indian friends. It such meetings that makes this country so special , unique, colorful, and I will miss so much when I return to France ...

Celebrations dqns les rues de Jodhpur Nolwenn and I and our Indian friends

The next day, After breakfast admiring the sunrise , we left the "Blue City" for the "white city", Udaipur.