Sunday, December 19, 2010

Good Long Lasting Foundation

The ten strategies for handling mass

North American linguist Noam Chomsky has developed a list of "Ten Strategies for handling" through the media. We reproduce it here. It details the range, since the strategy of distraction, through the strategy of humiliation to keep the public in ignorance and mediocrity.

Pressenza Boston 21/09/10

1 / The strategy of distraction. crucial element of social control, the strategy of diversion is to divert public attention from important issues et des mutations décidées par les élites politiques et économiques, grâce à un déluge continuel de distractions et d’informations insignifiantes. La stratégie de la diversion est également indispensable pour empêcher le public de s’intéresser aux connaissances essentielles, dans les domaines de la science, de l’économie, de la psychologie, de la neurobiologie, et de la cybernétique. « Garder l’attention du public distraite, loin des véritables problèmes sociaux, captivée par des sujets sans importance réelle. Garder le public occupé, occupé, occupé, sans aucun temps pour penser; de retour à la ferme avec les autres animaux. » Excerpt from "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"

2 / Create problems and offer solutions. This method is also called "problem-reaction-solution". It first creates a problem, a "situation" referred to elicit some reaction from the public, so that it is itself that measures applicant wishes him to accept. For example: let it develop urban violence, or organize bloody attacks, so that the public security laws or applicant at the expense of freedom. Or: Create an economic crisis for be accepted as a necessary evil recoil of social rights and the dismantling of public services.

3 / strategy degradation. To accept an unacceptable extent, simply apply it gradually, "degraded" over a period of 10 years. That's the way that socio-economic conditions radically new (neo) were imposed during the years 1980 to 1990. Massive unemployment, precariousness, flexibility, outsourcing, wages can no longer ensure a decent income, so many changes that have caused a revolution if they had been brutally applied.

4 / The strategy of delay. Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful but necessary, by obtaining the agreement of the public in this for an application in the future. It is always easier to accept a sacrifice a sacrifice immediate future. First, because the effort is not to provide right away. Then because the public still tends to naively hope that "everything will be better tomorrow" and that the sacrifice required can be avoided. Finally, it allows time for the public to get used to the idea of change and accept it with resignation when the time comes.

5 / Contact the public and to children in infancy. Most advertisements for the general-use public discourse, arguments, characters, and a particularly tone condescending, often close to the debilitating, as if the viewer was a child in infancy or mental disabilities. The more we seek to mislead the viewer, the more you adopt a tone of childish. Why? "If you go to a person as if she was aged 12 when, due to suggestibility, it will have a certain probability, a response or reaction as uncritical as that of a person over 12 years. " Excerpt from "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"

6 / Appealing to the emotional rather than thinking . Appealing to emotions is a classic technique for bypassing rational analysis, and therefore the critical individuals. In addition, the use of emotional register opens the door the unconscious as the site for ideas, desires, fears, impulses, or behavior ...

7 / Keep the public in ignorance and stupidity . Ensure that the public is unable to understand the technologies and methods for its control and slavery. "The quality of education given to the lower classes must be the poorest, so that the gap of ignorance that separates the lower class upper class is and remains incomprehensible to the lower classes. Excerpt from "Weapons for Quiet Wars quiet "

8 / Encouraging the audience to wallow in mediocrity. Encourage the public to find "cool" being stupid, vulgar and uneducated ...

9 / Replace revolt by guilt. To believe that the individual is solely responsible for his misfortune, because of the insufficiency of his intellect, ability, or her efforts. Thus, instead of revolting against the economic system devalues the individual and self-guilt, which creates a depression which one effect is inhibition of the action. And without action, no revolution! ...

10 / know people better than they know themselves. Over the past 50 years, rapid advances in science have opened up a widening gap between public knowledge and those owned and used by the ruling elites. With biology, neurobiology, and applied psychology, the "system" has reached an advanced knowledge of the human being, both physically and psychologically. The system has come to better understand the average person that he knows himself himself. This means that in most cases, the system has more control and more power over individuals that the individuals themselves.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Benefits To Having Life And Health License

Sem Break around Asia - Part 1: Hong Kong Jakarta

Backpacker .... a word which is always a little dream of my little head budding explorer! Go
several weeks, a large bag on his back (and I'm proud of my big bag, because it shows my status as the populace backpacker ^ _ ^).

So one fine August morning By checking the website of Cebu Pacific (trip to the Philippines can not miss this site, a real Aladdin's cave), I came across a ticket Manila Jakarta for .... 40 euros! So there, no contest, the ticket is taken, and nobody talks about anymore! But what am I going to do there?

Firstly, I am not part alone, my two flatmates French m'ont accompagnée une partie du voyage, c'est à dire, de Jakarta, à Padangbai (Bali), d'où j'ai continué mon chemin, on my own !

Indonésie, Indonesia, cet archipel immense appelle au voyage, juste par son nom, mais, déjà, il faut faire des choix, où aller ? avec plus de 17 000 îles, 3 semaines sont loin d'être suffisantes pour tout explorer (surtout connaissant l'efficacité des transports en Asie).
Pour une première expérience en backpacker, on a donc choisi la solution de facilité, ne pas trop s'éloigner des sentiers battus par les milliers de touristes qui viennent ici chaque année.

Mon trajet a ressemblé this:

So, Day 1, arrived in Jakarta at midnight and a half after, not to change after a certain time of immigration, we are in the airport, first bus leaving at 5am, it leaves us a few hours trying to sleep (on wooden benches) and enjoy the first chocolate bread for 5 months (I did not think it could miss as much).

Around 5:30, we're finally gone! Jakarta: a big city, nay, a great city, a megalopolis, boomtown, a bis Manila, with motorcycles and more! In fact, addiction to the Indonesian motorbike is far from being a legend, and these two wheels, driven by 9 to 99 years (no joke), are much more dangerous than tricycles and jeepneys Philippines combined.

Unable to cross the roads, always so much noise and pollution, but we feel that this is not Manila.

architecture first, with tile roofs, not sheet metal, the small groups (to believe that their Asian market extends everywhere except the Philippines), and Indonesians , I've been slow to really meet.

This first day in Jakarta has still been full of discoveries, beginning with an old man, half Balinese, half Dutch, who lived in the same guesthouse as us, and that was, we did he said, his last trip to return home.
Robert (his name) talks about his country, Bali, with stars in his eyes, he speaks of these temples hidden in the mountains, mysterious beliefs, rites of this island if seen, and Yet not so well known! I am very impressed by this man who, after so many years, keeps coming back every year, "home" for a few months before returning to the Netherlands, he looks tired and sick, but happy.

Then, sightseeing, tiring day, between the National Monument (a huge tower at the foot of which are very kitsch sculptures and a museum on the history of the Indonesian nation), an unusual monument according to some, a symbol of power ... and the old city.
Jakarta has a Chinatown as I had rarely seen (with sellers of snake venom, frog and other bizarre ingredients), and an old port where we see hundreds of old wooden boats, magnificent old (how to float they still?), which are apparently transporting cement.
We visit the Great Mosque, a building very recent, which lacks a little charm.

Monas (National Monument of Indonesia)

The streets of Chinatown

The old boats .. really very beautiful, but very old!
Sailors ... who seemed quite happy to see us get on their boat ....

Mary Lou uh .... I'll be fine!

We also explore the commuter train in Jakarta, open doors, passengers on the roof sometimes, and frankly not very clear destination!

The next morning, very early, we took the train to cross Java to Yogyakarta. Trip from 9 am Class "biznis" (meaning, no air cond, overcrowded and with Ventilos that work only intermittently ...). But, as the Lonely (which have not been a very loyal companion for this trip), the train in Indonesia is a democratic experience! Thus, there is constant comings and goings of vendors (food, beverages, but also hats, wallets, and the funniest, the pshit pshitteurs! They spend with an aerosol deodorant for toilets, with a pshitt per passenger, and then returned to collect the money ...), the landscapes are beautiful, not very different from Philippine rice fields, except, again, the architecture of the houses.

On arrive enfin à Yogya, où l'on retrouve, un peu effarés, les motos, partout !!

Premières impressions : l'Indonésie est un pays immense, et sa capitale est tout aussi impressionnante, on sent cependant que le touriste est plus présent ici, qu'aux Philippines, plus sollicité aussi, plus de mendiants, ou de "guides" apparaissant de nulle part pour proposer (imposer) les services, et on applique à toute personne de couleur de peau blanche un 'tourist price' (enfin, il ne faut pas généraliser, it concerns only part of the population, but it is quite important).

Sessions 'pictures' are still there ("Mississippi, can I take a picture of you? Me too, me too ..."), even more insistent in the Philippines!

However, Indonesians whom I met in small eateries (we call them here warungs), or in the street are very nice and talkative!
Finally, Indonesia may well be the largest Muslim country in the world, we see very few women in burqas, the majority have only a veil, or nothing at all, sometimes even in the tank, apparently without offending anyone. .. to meditate !!

Slingshot Computer Game

the Philippines

Bientôt les vacances, après les examens !!
Mais avant de partir pour de nouvelles aventures, un petit article sur le séjour de Meg, Nathan Pauline et Ilan, quatre français en échange à Hong Kong, aux Philippines.

Un soir, en lisant mes mails, je tombe sur celui de Meg qui me dit qu'elle débarque la semaine d'après aux Philippines, whaouuh, ça ne faisait même pas un mois que j'étais revenue de Hong Kong, et je revoyais déjà mes chers scubes, que demander de plus !
La question qui se posait après était, où vais-je I could take them? so they can capture, in the space of four days, most of this country so great.
A little research on the internet blogs of travelers (Filipinos are much good at it that the lonely planet), I finally found a place not far from Manila, accessible by bus without too problems.

So after my day of classes, I found our four companions for them to visit the university, then my little neighborhood, before dining on the banks of Marikina River, a grilled fish!
Discovery 1: the Philippines, we eat well!

same evening, starting around midnight bus to go to Santa Cruz, Zambales at North Coast, where we arrived around 6 in the morning, after a transfer bus in the middle of the night.

Discovery 2: The bus is convenient, but it is long, and really too much conditioning.

After a ride in a fishing village, it takes away a tricycle (a 5 is pretty funny!), To visit the caves in the mountains.
A small morning walk and we reach a point of view rather impressive, before proceeding to the caves of the Sagrada Familia (called as well as some have believed there to see representation of the family "holy" Catholic).

The descent to the sun is a little tiring, but it goes in small villages very cute, surrounded by rice paddies, before resuming a tricycle back to town where the we take our breakfast.
We finally take the bus to Iba earlier (in the middle of the coast of Zambales), where we find the resort where we spend the night before lunch, and go enjoy the beach.

The next day, starting early pour San Antonio, où le guide Kuya Randy nous attends. On va rapidement acheter de quoi manger pour les deux jours suivants, puis on va chez lui pour les derniers préparatifs.
Il habite dans un petit village de pêcheurs plein de charme, et les gens sont toujours aussi accueillants et souriants.
On part enfin en bangka pour Anawangin Cove, une petite crique à 20 min de bateau, ou accessible par une rando de 4h, autant dire que c'est assez calme.
La plage comporte plusieurs "beach resorts", ce sont en fait des emplacements où l'on peut mettre une tente, avec des huttes pour manger, équipés de toilettes et douches, le grand luxe !
Après un autre repas grilled fish, cooked up by Kuya Randy, we'll walk on the beach and back, to a river that flows between the pines.
are planted the tent, and a little later, we made a photo session with a group of Filipino Mountaineers encountered earlier, before returning to camp and try to light a fire!
After an hour of misery, a fire was finally totally respected, that will be used to roast marshmallows and bananas!

The water is so good that remains in fairly late, watching the stars, lightning, and the phosphorescent plankton ... with Nathan, it then tries to sleep on the sand, but the mosquitoes and humidity help, we ended up back in the tent with others.
Meg, new model

Discovery 3: The Philippines is a paradise on Earth!

The next morning, we resume the bangka to visit two islands, Capones Island, where an old English lighthouse in the early twentieth century, and Camara Island, where you can enjoy the sun and beautiful corals.
were eventually returned the bus to Manila ... Returning to the city as difficult as ever ...
But the weekend will be remembered, is not it?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What Do Pilates Socks Do

Hong Kong / Macao, or reunion!

I'm in Manila for almost three months now, and yeah, it flies, on the other hand, I feel good, and at home. However, a little out of the Philippines, also allows to realize many things, and discover different situations.

Thus, as Nathan and Meghann (two other SCUBA) had arrived in Hong Kong for their academic year, I decided to leave four days to visit them and visit the Chinese island, just two hours from Manila.

My flatmates have also decided to accompany me, and at 5:30 Friday morning, it was in a taxi to the airport Maria Laura, Alexis, Minami and I fell asleep, but excited to begin this new adventure.

Arriving in Hong Kong, we find ourselves in another world, while high, but the impression of a city that is a bit dead (no children, the sounds of jeepneys, no houses, just big buildings ). It is also a city of contrasts, between the buildings and the huge mountain behind the forest.
is a cosmopolitan city, there are people of all nationalities, although the Europeans that we meet are all obviously part of the top layer of the society, and they do not seem to really mix with the Hong Kong people or Chinois.

Day 1 : découverte de Hong Kong sous la pluie (les petites rues, les temples, les boui bouis, les vendeurs de trucs bizarres, le tram, les magasins de luxe du quartier d'affaire).
Sea Food séchée
Concombres de mer et nids d'oiseaux

Kowloon on the evening, the party on the continent totally different atmosphere, much more animated, everything seems more breathable than Manila (no jeepneys or tricycles). We admire the same time the symphony of lights, sound and animation in light of the buildings of Hong Kong Island.

We realize how important is the Filipino community here, with untold numbers of domestic helpers. Some posters / signs are translated into Tagalog, it is even a
Jolibee (Philippine fast food) to the Exit Central Station!

Day 2: Macau, Las Vegas Asian countries but with a totally different background (history, but also poor). We visited some very nice small temples, before losing in a fish market somewhat intriguing.

Casinos are just impressive array of luxury and wealth, no age control or identity at the entrance.

On returning to Hong Kong, it was decided, with Marie Laure, to offer a foot massage ... who well deserved after a long day of walking.

Day 3: Visit to other interesting places in Hong Kong Island

We start by heading to the tram, which will take us to the Peak (the highest point of Hong Kong, offering breathtaking views across the island. But before that, you discover another facade of good Filipino life in HK. Indeed, Sunday, rest day, they find themselves, across Hong Kong, parks, gardens, lobbies of buildings but also, to talk, eat Filipino food, or get a manicure, while others send huge parcels of basic need (or not) to their families in the Philippines ..... But what does it feel good to hear Tagalog!

After the Peak, Meg and Nathan takes us to South Beach, it completely changes mood to be in a sort of seaside town. And even if they are well-equipped beaches will be worth HK never those of Mindoro and Ilocos!

the evening, we discover the places to go other exchange students in a bar with unlimited champagne for girls .... but also the reality of Asian prostitutes, whose clients are always disgusting old white ...

Day 4: Lantau Island, which is the island where the airport. It will ferry first, before joining the bus immense Buddha that dominates the island, which seems deserted from Hong Kong, and conducive to pleasant walks. The Buddha is very impressive and interesting monastery to visit, despite the fact that it can no longer travel.

It then descends the other side of the island by cable car, which allows us to admire the green hills Lantau, before taking a bus to the airport .... and Manila.

Key points this weekend?

- Check Inception, and you feel what I felt in seeing all these old dilapidated buildings in Hong Kong.
- In Hong Kong, everything is forbidden, everywhere, but hey, it's funny when you do not live (can not play frisbee or ball on a beach is a bit exaggerated I think ...)

- Chinese food, even when we do not know what it is (which happens quite often when menus are written only in Chinese and no one speaks English in the boui boui) is really good !

- The Hong Kong people do not really seem as hospitable, friendly, Filipinos, and they appear quite difficult to approach (in part because of the language barrier)
- Although it was a good experience, I was happy to find Manila and pollution, just for a smile from a taxi driver and a good night in my bed.