Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Slingshot Computer Game

the Philippines

Bientôt les vacances, après les examens !!
Mais avant de partir pour de nouvelles aventures, un petit article sur le séjour de Meg, Nathan Pauline et Ilan, quatre français en échange à Hong Kong, aux Philippines.

Un soir, en lisant mes mails, je tombe sur celui de Meg qui me dit qu'elle débarque la semaine d'après aux Philippines, whaouuh, ça ne faisait même pas un mois que j'étais revenue de Hong Kong, et je revoyais déjà mes chers scubes, que demander de plus !
La question qui se posait après était, où vais-je I could take them? so they can capture, in the space of four days, most of this country so great.
A little research on the internet blogs of travelers (Filipinos are much good at it that the lonely planet), I finally found a place not far from Manila, accessible by bus without too problems.

So after my day of classes, I found our four companions for them to visit the university, then my little neighborhood, before dining on the banks of Marikina River, a grilled fish!
Discovery 1: the Philippines, we eat well!

same evening, starting around midnight bus to go to Santa Cruz, Zambales at North Coast, where we arrived around 6 in the morning, after a transfer bus in the middle of the night.

Discovery 2: The bus is convenient, but it is long, and really too much conditioning.

After a ride in a fishing village, it takes away a tricycle (a 5 is pretty funny!), To visit the caves in the mountains.
A small morning walk and we reach a point of view rather impressive, before proceeding to the caves of the Sagrada Familia (called as well as some have believed there to see representation of the family "holy" Catholic).

The descent to the sun is a little tiring, but it goes in small villages very cute, surrounded by rice paddies, before resuming a tricycle back to town where the we take our breakfast.
We finally take the bus to Iba earlier (in the middle of the coast of Zambales), where we find the resort where we spend the night before lunch, and go enjoy the beach.

The next day, starting early pour San Antonio, où le guide Kuya Randy nous attends. On va rapidement acheter de quoi manger pour les deux jours suivants, puis on va chez lui pour les derniers préparatifs.
Il habite dans un petit village de pêcheurs plein de charme, et les gens sont toujours aussi accueillants et souriants.
On part enfin en bangka pour Anawangin Cove, une petite crique à 20 min de bateau, ou accessible par une rando de 4h, autant dire que c'est assez calme.
La plage comporte plusieurs "beach resorts", ce sont en fait des emplacements où l'on peut mettre une tente, avec des huttes pour manger, équipés de toilettes et douches, le grand luxe !
Après un autre repas grilled fish, cooked up by Kuya Randy, we'll walk on the beach and back, to a river that flows between the pines.
are planted the tent, and a little later, we made a photo session with a group of Filipino Mountaineers encountered earlier, before returning to camp and try to light a fire!
After an hour of misery, a fire was finally totally respected, that will be used to roast marshmallows and bananas!

The water is so good that remains in fairly late, watching the stars, lightning, and the phosphorescent plankton ... with Nathan, it then tries to sleep on the sand, but the mosquitoes and humidity help, we ended up back in the tent with others.
Meg, new model

Discovery 3: The Philippines is a paradise on Earth!

The next morning, we resume the bangka to visit two islands, Capones Island, where an old English lighthouse in the early twentieth century, and Camara Island, where you can enjoy the sun and beautiful corals.
were eventually returned the bus to Manila ... Returning to the city as difficult as ever ...
But the weekend will be remembered, is not it?


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