Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How To Get A Lisence For Ambuled

Entering the Jet Set Manilaise, discovery Makati!

Saturday evening, returning from Taal, we (my flatmates French and I) had to be very motivated, because even put out, it was motivated to get out! I therefore explanation my buddy Philippines, a big clubber, which I immediately proposed to me on the guest list for an evening in the upscale Manila!

Just time to change, be beautiful, wear earrings! and we left! first real ride by taxi (it feels really bourge when calling a taxi), we arrive at the mall that houses the box, and then came the shock!
The restaurants are the same price as in France, that is downright expensive here, we find that the babes in super high heels and dresses designers of ultra short, while the rest of the city, we do believe that very rarely women in shorts and tank top (I sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable, but hey!), at the same time, their the driver waiting at the exit ...

We will be happy with a pizza and bread (real bread!) In an Italian restaurant, then goes to the nightclub, and there the same, it seems to be really not our place that of high school students PTIS French German Manila, so the children of expats, and son / daughter of Bourges, but hey, who cares, we spent the evening making our crazy, by being well out (who cares, we know them ^ ^), and I still managed to sweep me (while I was with pants, or at least 1m more tissue than all the girls in the box ^ ^).

I'm still really rendered account of what it meant poverty gap that night, when you see people getting drunk, while outside, the kids ask you a room .. .
other hand, it is very easy to stay in his bubble, you're in your super apartment 'to go where you want, you call your chauffeur, tinted glass, you go to college with people like you, and you stay in uptown ... you do not see gang;

But I still like Manila, the city spellbinding me, it makes me dance, smile, sing! (Oh, must go try karaoke, national sport here even before basketball ^ ^).

Last minute: last night I went (with my flatmates and my French flatmate Japanese) see the football match (yes, even me), Japan Paraguay in a bar, it was really an atmosphere crazy! Y'avait all Japanese students in exchange for my university, and that which is right next door screaming, jumping (I too thought of you Florine!), Well, they finally lost, but just for the atmosphere was great, and then now I have a house in all major cities in Japan!

Korean Entertainment Audition 2010

Weekend at Taal!

manilaises After these adventures, we went (this time only between French, but hey ...), to Tagaytay, the most popular destination in the city for a short weekend , we went there one day!
As usual, start really early (but not yet enough) to cross in metro Manila, to arrive at the bus station!
We were off to catch a bus air-conditioned and everything, and we find ourselves (pour 30 pesos de moins, soit environ 50cts^^), dans une carcasse franchement pas confortable, sans air conditionné (au moins on ne crevait pas de froid), à traverser en 2h les quelques 50 kms qui nous séparent de l'air frais ! (eh oui, vive le trafic de Manille..., je crois qu'après ça, on peut conduire à Paris sans perdre son calme !!).
On arrive donc vers 11h, et on se fait assez vite repérer par les rabatteurs 'Maame, you want a ride M'ame ?', vive les destinations touristiques, surtout à 6 blancs ! On finit par prendre deux tricycles pour descendre vers le lac Taal (lac volcanique, avec une île au milieu, et au milieu de cette île, un autre volcan !). Je suis behind the driver, that is attached somehow to not let me eject in tight corners or when going from ruts! But the landscape was well worth it!
what we see in water that is actually floating houses of fishermen with their nets!

arrived downstairs, we took a "Bangka" local boats (see photos of white beach), moving closer to the volcano, but no way to dock, level 2 alert on an explosive volcano ^ ^ quite dangerous (but not as much as the inhabitants were evacuated ...)

Margaux (one of my 2 housemate's Lille) and I-mode orange vest ^ ^

houses of fishermen on Lake

one of the craters of the island

It was then deliberately lost in the small paths in forest, and I finally really met the Filipino adorable, really surprised to see us here with a smile from ear to ear, come, come in, it's home here, "you are all my friends", and finally the kind of true!

We then returned on a tricycle and then Tagaytay jeepney (which was struggling to climb the hill, the driver had a system to get water directly into the engine ^ ^).

M'enfin good, too good day in the fresh air and sunshine!
Like the Philippines!

Ideas Of Psa Commercial

Manila, already three weeks! Ateneo

Yes, already three weeks that I'm here and I feel it makes much more, out of time, better than anything I could imagine!
Already a week as I have not written here on this little diary, which also allows me to stay in touch with you ... And yet so much to tell, I'll try to do the best possible.

Already some pictures of my house and neighborhood ^ ^ (finally!), It is not mine but it is already!

Last Wednesday, I got up at 6am, I had a meeting at 8am with the director of an NGO, Lark, in Pasay (as well say to the other side of town), I told myself that hour and a half would be sufficient to reach port, well, it was not counting the over crowded metro (line 4 of the type or B) rush hour), it must pass two consecutive before it can hope to return it, and then come to the right station, I landed in a whole new world. Far from the "luxury" of Katipunan (I say luxurious because compared to a lot of places, it is, but Manila has other more luxurious neighborhoods !), je découvre une foule pressée sur les ponts qui traversent les avenues.

Premier aparté : le système de circulation à Manille, et dans ce que j'ai pu voir pour l'instant des Philippines

Manille est composée d'immenses avenues (genre les champs Elysées), reliées plus ou moins entre elles, desquelles partent une multitude de petites routes, mais, PAS MOYEN de les traverser ! Pas de feu, ni de passages piétons, pour passer l'autre côté, il faut trouver une passerelle ! Un système peut être plus sûr vu la conduite des Philippins^^. D'un autre côté, les ingénieurs qui ont tracés les routes did not really have the Western conception of the thing, in fact, there is no real intersection as such, and when one wants to turn left onto another street, he must wait to find a "U-Turn" (a kind of half-turn), take the road in the other direction, to finally reach the street looking for!
M'enfin good, we are better without a car in Manila, and with a taxi at 3 euros maximum (at least to divide by 4, but you can also go to 7 in, yes, yes, we have already done) we will not take unnecessary risks!

I was saying, arriving in Pasay, I felt even more disoriented, and I felt there was more life than I thought in Manila. I very quickly accosted by a Filipino (I used it to find the right jeepney), which I later asked my number, but hey, with a smile and "it's personnal" j ' I was able to get rid of it! My first jeepney
all alone in an unfamiliar neighborhood, I just hoped not to lose me, and I am not lost, the driver dropped me in front of the right street! Check
front of the building of Alouette I was really impressed by the life that prevailed there, children playing everywhere, lovely people, who look at you as if you were an alien, and who keep you wondering what you made there! A white here all alone? In addition, it looks like they are formatted for TV, we find beautiful, wherever you are, because we have a lighter skin than them, blond or brown hair .... sounds a bit weird.

I then went to the quarantine office for my visa, yet alone, with another jeepney, the subway and on foot to finish! Late morning with a small excursion in Intramuros (without my camera, but I'd go back), the old city of Manila, with all the English colonial houses, and carriages!

Kisses kisses, see you soon!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Punch Cup Christmas Vacation

As if that was not enough hot desert Sonora, we decided to venture into the Mojave Desert in Joshua Tree National Park. The visit of the park is great. The views are breathtaking, one can understand to have been inspired by U2.

The changing vegetation is impressive. We see the saguaro cactus, trees Johu, garden Cholla (cactus-like flowers) and lots of other stuff ...

piles of giant rocks amaze us.

We dine at the highest point of view of the park admiring the Coachella Valley and the Salton Sea.

We invested in the card that gives us access to most national parks, because we fully intend to visit some. No regret the Joshua Tree National Park is just great, we would have liked more time to venture further into the trail. We crossed the park (50 miles) in about 4 hours.

After visiting the park we went to Pioneertown. This mini village was the setting for several western movies. To walk around in the atmosphere gives a taste of just jumping on a horse and go to his lasso or go to the local tavern 2-3 empty mug of beer. Unfortunately for us bowling was closed and it seems that he also served in many movies.

After our jaunt into the world of cowboys, we had really hot. The thermometer showed 118 degrees F, almost as hot as hell. We went to enjoy a hamburger, a real American hamburger on Palmspring terraces.

jets of cold water vapor format allowed us to refresh ourselves and enjoy the moment more.

the village pub (the restaurant), he even had to show our passports to be allowed to drink beer. Sacred return to reality!

Dodo in a visitor center near Anaheim Mighty Ducks!

De nouveau dans de grosses métropoles, la frénésie monte et le temps devient de l’argent. Non sans farce tout bouge autour de nous et on est un peu étourdis pour ne pas dire déphasés. C’est d’ailleurs pour cette raison que nous sommes moins assidus sur le blog.

LA LA LA…je ne chante pas là, il s’agit de notre destination pour quelques jours : Los Angeles!

Les plages nous ont tout de suite attirées. Pour les fans de The OC, eh oui nous avons pris la route direction Newport Beach à mon express demande.

And then I fell in love with someone other than OP, appointed California! Strolling on the boardwalk and the pier before going to see what the 2 other nearby beaches had to offer: Huntington and Long Beach.

At Huntington , we slap another great burger in an Irish pub for a mere $ 5. What a deal! The atmosphere of this city is rather fun and good number of surfers filled the terraces at sunset instead of surfing.

Long Beach hosts the third largest container port in the world, but what caught our attention is the huge marina with its countless sailboats and the one and only Queen Mary.

After a day on the beach road, we pay a tour of the arcades on the Shoreline Village and we win lots of tickets that gives us the right to choose candy.

The big fun!

The evening ends in the large hotel chain Walmart where we also have gained a new retro bike for only $ 75. No way not to buy it!

Thursday ... Hollywood ...

Here there are the tourists armed with Kodak and c ' is surely to do homage at the Kodak Center. Hollywood Boulevard, is dangerous because the Walk of Fame attracts all eyes (everyone likes to read the names of stars in the stars) and the risk of collision is increased.

We wanted to pay a real tour of tourists aboard a bus in the open. However, 15 minutes after our departure, the only thing we saw is a gas station. Frustration inside the vehicle and some clients require immediate repayment rebels. So we end up back at square one (Hollywood street without a tower, but at least with our money in pocket). Actually we ended up the only two sitting on the bus to say: "We are unwilling to go, why we can not go?" And fireside who replies: "Get out and go ask for a Refund, I Can not go around with only two people." Bad karma!

Change of plan: we are shopping all afternoon in the vast Plaza at the corner of Hollywood and Highland do not forget to read each name on which we beat it and push a little scream of excitement when we read Celine Dion! Haha

At sunset, we went to see the Sunset Strip before venturing into the mountains and joining Bel-Air Bevely Hills where the stars live. Now we have a head full of ideas to build a house a few million.

Before returning to the hotel, Walmart, PO Rodeo Dr. took me to see, just to piss the world's poor who live in Walmart! haha The shops of the most renowned fashion designers there and also relative prices. This day is but a dream, because the fantasy world of television we waited the next day, Universal Studios.

As kids, we ran all day. With a tight schedule, we managed to do all the attractions and take hundreds of photos.haha

PO even had the chance to dance with Marilyn Monroe. She had chosen and wanted!

Me, I pissed him laugh and he was a little uncomfortable in the middle of the crowd swaying with the star!

All popular figures in TV and movies were at the rendezvous (Simpson, Frankenstein, Terminator, Shrek ..).

We did a tour of the studios and failed to visit Wisteria Lane, but great disappointment! They were trained to shoot an episode of Desperate Housewives next season!

A beautiful day in high sounds, images and especially special effects!

It Saturday is perfect, it is not too much traffic. Downtown LA is our goal for the day. We start the day at the famous Farmers Market.

We then regales excellent pupusas (Salvadoran specialty) at the Grand Central Market before visiting Little Tokyo Toy District, Fashion District, Jewelry District and the Financial District .

A great walk to the center of skyscrapers where we could practice our English with the Hispanic merchants. Here, el centro es mucho great.

We end the day centro with a stop at Venice Beach, a beach.

Here if an alien landed, no one would notice, because most people attending Venice Beach are quite eccentric. When they are not standing on a box reciting poems, they walk in robe (video support) or trying by all means to legalize marijuana.

Sunday beach day! We parked the West in Santa Monica and it made the bike ride. Two on a bike back on the boardwalk of the seaside was like in the movies.

We went to the pier in Santa Monica. Amusement park, shops and restaurants is not just a platform but a town! Hahaha

On the road again along quietly the California coast. The scenery is magnificent. Malibu, Ventura before a stop in Santa Barbara. A power nap on the beach and a stroll on State Street, Starbucks coffee in hand. We are overjoyed.

Dodo in a Rest Area on the way to San Francisco!