Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dragon Ball Z Comple Bed Set

few words about the university (still) Small

Well yes, because despite what some may think, I am not party to hastily flee Paris (though), but mostly because I'm going for 2 weeks, I was fortunate to be able to put on two days only, but not mine, it takes work anyway eh ^ ^

Ateneo de Manila University is a private Catholic school, with all that that implies:

Private therefore with substantial resources, a large campus very well maintained, supported student initiatives (one is managed cafèt by the management students, many associations are very active), students whose parents are part of the upper layer of the population, have their personal chauffeur, who waits all day on parking, big cars that cross the campus, guards at every entrance, and people to cross the pedestrian!

(was marked on the panel: the drivers, chaperones and other bodyguards were asked to turn off their engine on this car ^ ^)
Catholic ( the Philippines) So with a big church, prayers at the start of some courses, courses that jump to the Masses beginning of the semester, and a dress code to go to the Bible (Rrrr: no flip flops, no tank tops ...., good with a scarf that can pass).

Besides that, we may have the impression of being a true American campus, with a true spirit of university students T-shirts with the colors of the team basketball team whose games are followed very carefully (with pom pom and marching bands!), it carries all our student card autour du cou, et « Ateneo One Big Fight », le slogan de l’équipe résume bien l’esprit de compétition qui entoure le sport (mais aussi les cours de maths), à Ateneo.
Les postes de gardes un peu partout, ils sont pas bien méchants, et apparemment ça créé de l'emploi... juste un peu bizarre !

La cafèt : le genre d’endroit qui ferait rêver tous les pauvres étudiants de Sciences Po contraints de se nourrir de sandwichs tous les midis, faute de resto U digne de ce nom : on a un choix immense de plats de toutes sortes, Chinese, Filipino, Mexican, burgers, pizzas, pastas, and all for less than 1 euro!

The library: a huge building rather difficult of access: No ID (student card), no entry, and there's really not worth trying! but when there is, it's just the foot can rest on benches or chairs super comfortable for work, it's just trooop well!
stairs of the footbridge to cross the highway that borders the university

Pour les cours, je n’ai pas encore assez de recul, mais disons que pour les maths, à part quelques notations, c’est pareil ^^, le prof de physique est trop gentil, (on doit être moins que 10 dans sa classe, c’est fou comme la physique quantique ça attire), la prof de relations internationales est aussi assez impressionnante, et c'est super intéressant de parler de ça avec des étudiants non européens, et même "non occidentaux", de voir la réaction des gens quand on leur montre une carte de Transparency International qui dit que les Philippines font partie des pays les plus corrompus, ou quand on parle des problèmes Turkey in the european union! Beside, the World Cup football seems light years away (even more than in France, where it was already far ^ ^).

Oh yes, the last thing strange here the first floor is the ground floor or ground floor is a useless remark, but it can be quite disturbing ...

Latest / last thing to note: Students are here to shootent ice tea (all flavors of ice tea and ways), and coffee one can find is in general Nescafe as improperly mixed ^ ^ same for me, I make a rehab!


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