Monday, June 28, 2010

Can You Have Prostate Cancer With A 4.2 Psa?

Toujours là!!

I'm still alive, but tired. Often not much on the blog yet, but I had plenty of occupation in recent times and I still do but I'm doing well anyway. My plan slips a bit but I try not to do too much abuse ... I thought it was to be easier to cope alone but must always be motivated and mentally it's a bit difficult.
My passion for cooking is still in me. But I am very conscious that I do not want to put my health challenge for later. I love cooking and I'll always have this passion in me and I do not want to undo. Nothing more to eat flat dull, tasteless, colorless. I also like the artistic side of the kitchen. I am an artist at heart because I mainly personalize what I do.
For my birthday I received the balance I wanted. My husband bought me one of the biggest loser at Wal-mart! I did not "study" because it has several functions. But when my days are slow, I will look back to my Wii Fit that I left out for some time and get my fitness challenge to 100%. I still have a little party to prepare for Saturday, July 3 for the graduation of my grandfather. Then everything should return to normal ... At least I hope ....
Good day
Line ~


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