Sunday, June 6, 2010

Angela Pitts Myammee Hairstyles


During the last days in Isla Mujeres, we had big fun!

Nous avons profité en masse du pout-pout que nous avions loué. PO et Jason ont même inventé un nouveau mot : TOPÉISER. Ce qui signifie foncer à grande vitesse sur les topes , les fameux dos d’âne omniprésents en Amérique Centrale.

Nous avons vu et touché un requin dormant. Il n’avait pas pantoute l’air de faire la siesta , il se débattait dans l’eau. Un peu effrayant!

We shopped in small stores on the island and Emily discovered a new passion, negotiation.

We abused swimming, both in the hotel pool in the sea is nice and hot, but why not?

We ate well. The second night, we got an envelope of poutine sauce St-Hubert BBQ and we're spoiled chicken poutine. What a feast! Is what I've already said that PO and me (maybe more me) we love poutine! I speak and I want! LOL And as I developed a good relationship with the bartender Moy, who taught me to make the best mojitos in the world and gave me two tips when we came back to the hotel, I offered a small portion of poutine, the especialidad of Quebec. He liked it and asked me the recipe for the sauce. Without knowing it, I invented it was a national secret (as defined sovereignty!) Lol

Nous avons aussi mangé dans un resto italien le dernier soir au cœur du village. L’ambiance était bonne, il y avait des jongleurs de feu et de la musique qui venait de partout. Le seul hic c’est quand j’ai demandé au serveur si l’eau qui avait servi à faire la glace était purifiée, il m’a répondu qu’on était au Mexique et non pas en Afrique. Quel con!!!

J’ai de nouveau des tresses dans les cheveux. Pour ceux qui connaissent Sean Paul, je suis comme sa jumelle maintenant, tresses et bronzage. Il me manque juste un ou deux hit reggae!!!

Yesterday, we took the ferry to go 6hAM bring our friends in the aeropuerto Cancun.

We were sad to leave this little paradise, but even more to leave the luxury in which we were the last days. Precisely, the night was hot and we continued in the parking lot zocalo Campeche!

Cheers hippies ... In a Westfalia, no shower and sleep anywhere where! Finally, we are is not entirely because we have decided to make a detour, that is to say, returning to San Cristobal for a day or two. Camping, there are showers and there is a dream ... On the way!


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