Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Korean Entertainment Audition 2010

Weekend at Taal!

manilaises After these adventures, we went (this time only between French, but hey ...), to Tagaytay, the most popular destination in the city for a short weekend , we went there one day!
As usual, start really early (but not yet enough) to cross in metro Manila, to arrive at the bus station!
We were off to catch a bus air-conditioned and everything, and we find ourselves (pour 30 pesos de moins, soit environ 50cts^^), dans une carcasse franchement pas confortable, sans air conditionné (au moins on ne crevait pas de froid), à traverser en 2h les quelques 50 kms qui nous séparent de l'air frais ! (eh oui, vive le trafic de Manille..., je crois qu'après ça, on peut conduire à Paris sans perdre son calme !!).
On arrive donc vers 11h, et on se fait assez vite repérer par les rabatteurs 'Maame, you want a ride M'ame ?', vive les destinations touristiques, surtout à 6 blancs ! On finit par prendre deux tricycles pour descendre vers le lac Taal (lac volcanique, avec une île au milieu, et au milieu de cette île, un autre volcan !). Je suis behind the driver, that is attached somehow to not let me eject in tight corners or when going from ruts! But the landscape was well worth it!
what we see in water that is actually floating houses of fishermen with their nets!

arrived downstairs, we took a "Bangka" local boats (see photos of white beach), moving closer to the volcano, but no way to dock, level 2 alert on an explosive volcano ^ ^ quite dangerous (but not as much as the inhabitants were evacuated ...)

Margaux (one of my 2 housemate's Lille) and I-mode orange vest ^ ^

houses of fishermen on Lake

one of the craters of the island

It was then deliberately lost in the small paths in forest, and I finally really met the Filipino adorable, really surprised to see us here with a smile from ear to ear, come, come in, it's home here, "you are all my friends", and finally the kind of true!

We then returned on a tricycle and then Tagaytay jeepney (which was struggling to climb the hill, the driver had a system to get water directly into the engine ^ ^).

M'enfin good, too good day in the fresh air and sunshine!
Like the Philippines!


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