Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ideas Of Psa Commercial

Manila, already three weeks! Ateneo

Yes, already three weeks that I'm here and I feel it makes much more, out of time, better than anything I could imagine!
Already a week as I have not written here on this little diary, which also allows me to stay in touch with you ... And yet so much to tell, I'll try to do the best possible.

Already some pictures of my house and neighborhood ^ ^ (finally!), It is not mine but it is already!

Last Wednesday, I got up at 6am, I had a meeting at 8am with the director of an NGO, Lark, in Pasay (as well say to the other side of town), I told myself that hour and a half would be sufficient to reach port, well, it was not counting the over crowded metro (line 4 of the type or B) rush hour), it must pass two consecutive before it can hope to return it, and then come to the right station, I landed in a whole new world. Far from the "luxury" of Katipunan (I say luxurious because compared to a lot of places, it is, but Manila has other more luxurious neighborhoods !), je découvre une foule pressée sur les ponts qui traversent les avenues.

Premier aparté : le système de circulation à Manille, et dans ce que j'ai pu voir pour l'instant des Philippines

Manille est composée d'immenses avenues (genre les champs Elysées), reliées plus ou moins entre elles, desquelles partent une multitude de petites routes, mais, PAS MOYEN de les traverser ! Pas de feu, ni de passages piétons, pour passer l'autre côté, il faut trouver une passerelle ! Un système peut être plus sûr vu la conduite des Philippins^^. D'un autre côté, les ingénieurs qui ont tracés les routes did not really have the Western conception of the thing, in fact, there is no real intersection as such, and when one wants to turn left onto another street, he must wait to find a "U-Turn" (a kind of half-turn), take the road in the other direction, to finally reach the street looking for!
M'enfin good, we are better without a car in Manila, and with a taxi at 3 euros maximum (at least to divide by 4, but you can also go to 7 in, yes, yes, we have already done) we will not take unnecessary risks!

I was saying, arriving in Pasay, I felt even more disoriented, and I felt there was more life than I thought in Manila. I very quickly accosted by a Filipino (I used it to find the right jeepney), which I later asked my number, but hey, with a smile and "it's personnal" j ' I was able to get rid of it! My first jeepney
all alone in an unfamiliar neighborhood, I just hoped not to lose me, and I am not lost, the driver dropped me in front of the right street! Check
front of the building of Alouette I was really impressed by the life that prevailed there, children playing everywhere, lovely people, who look at you as if you were an alien, and who keep you wondering what you made there! A white here all alone? In addition, it looks like they are formatted for TV, we find beautiful, wherever you are, because we have a lighter skin than them, blond or brown hair .... sounds a bit weird.

I then went to the quarantine office for my visa, yet alone, with another jeepney, the subway and on foot to finish! Late morning with a small excursion in Intramuros (without my camera, but I'd go back), the old city of Manila, with all the English colonial houses, and carriages!

Kisses kisses, see you soon!


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