Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tractol Paint Supreme 2

manipulation of minds and look

Among the freedoms that we hold most precious is the freedom of thinking.
But from our childhood, we are subjected to all sorts of pressures exerted voluntarily or unconsciously designed to make us think (and act) differently.
These attempts to manipulate our minds daily and are ubiquitous. They reach our agency.
It is impossible to escape entirely, and more often than we than we realize, we yield, to be brought into line.
If you want to protect themselves against such manipulation, it must, first, recognize and know the track in the hubbub of information that assail the senses.
should therefore highlight the mechanisms exploited by manipulators and alert us of even greater risks involved in using methods made possible through science and modern technology.

"Almost everyone receives their assumptions and after a lifetime of public opinion.
They speak in the style of the time, they dress in the fashion, not by any principle, but to do as the others.
servile imitators who say yes or no on whether they are a-suggestion and believe that after having identified themselves. Is this not madness? Incurable insanity for men do not realize they are suffering from this mania of imitation.
(Eastern Wisdom - quote from the book by Alain Peyrache: "The Dojo")