Saturday, August 30, 2008

Why Is My Tailbone Itchy

Languages and Semantic Realism and Utopia


longer it goes the more people use a language group, as if they wanted to reassure their membership, sometimes to differentiate themselves, sometimes to protect their prerogatives related to their knowledge.
I'm the opposite of this approach to language, which by definition should be open and foster communication.
We meet this nonsense every day and in all areas.
example in the field of computer science: a language totally obscure reserved for insiders.
Or in the financial field: anglicized terms that mix in more abbreviations and / or abbreviations of words learned, leading to terms completely incomprehensible to most! The
plus idiot, c’est l’alibi des mondialisations en tous domaines qui favorisent les termes de langue anglaise. Cela est réducteur sur tous les plans et nos diversités de langages en fait s’appauvrissent, comme le reste de nos diversités d’ailleurs…
Il y a aussi le phénomène " mode " qui pourrait laisser prétendre qu’en utilisant des termes que les autres ne comprennent pas, " on est dans le coup " et les autres pas…
Comportement imbécile mais courant. Vraiment la bêtise humaine est sans limites.
C’est au zénith de l’espéranto !
Personnellement fonction de l’auditoire, j’utilise un maximum de termes usuels et understandable by the largest number - although I am led to use of technical terms - as they are not properly understood.

again include the jam on the bread: the less you have, the more it spreads ...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Community Service Hours Letter Format


Even if one part of ideation in this process, whenever I have a great pleasure to immerse myself in the world of Aikido and its values.
The symbol of the 7 folds of the hakama are their pictures:
Jin: benevolence, generosity must never cause trouble or unnecessary penalties in order to attract the attention to yourself.
Gi: honor, just decision, Justice. The sense of honor requires respect for self and others. It means being true to his word, with its commitments, the choice of his dojo, his Piano teachers ...
Rei: courtesy, etiquette, respect.
Chi: wisdom, intelligence.
Shin: sincerity. Sincerity is imperative in engaging martial: without it the practice is that simulation and lie, both for oneself and for others. The commitment must be total, permanent, unequivocal, as we all know that the illusion can not last long before the demands and the realism of the track.
Chu: loyalty. Value endangered in today's society, even though this value is the glue of our unwavering martial disciplines. The Budoka committed to a total loyalty and respect of internal rules loyal to his master and his school. This is the reflet de la rectitude du corps et de l’esprit du pratiquant.
Koh : piété au sens de respect profond et authentique des bases des pratiques martiales...

C’est pour moi un grand bol d’air frais.
Il serait éminemment présomptueux de prétendre changer le monde au travers l’aïkido.
Je suis néanmoins convaincu que chaque aïkidoka peut jouer son rôle dans le cercle de son environnement (nichi jo no tai do).

« L'Aïkido est médecine pour un monde malade »
(Me Ueshiba, fondateur de l’aïkido)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Vintage Wooden Ironing Boards

Black Humor

Fear of falling: that's what makes them wince hanged. [Peter Dumayet]
No more, nowadays, only two kinds of pedestrians: the quick and the dead. [Jean Rigaux]
The pleasant prospect of widowhood maintains the courage of many wives. [John Gay]
Everything comes to he who waits. Death, for example. [Bradley]
disasters, these are the feasts of the poor. [William Hanoteau]
Autopsy: it allows others to discover what we could never see yourself. [Maurice Ferrand]
To live happy and always like itself, a pretty young woman must die, and an honest old woman die. [Joseph Joubert]
The word stroke is the only word of French irregular. It said "a heart attack, a funeral." [Francis Blanche]
should not kill his uncle, under any circumstances, even to inherit. [Alphonse Allais]
I prefer cremation to burial and two to a weekend with my wife. [Woody Allen]
Consolation of cul-de-bowl: "I will not leave feet first." [Robert Lassus]
When I die, I want to leave my body to science fiction. [Steven Wright]
Better to live rich than die rich [Samuel Johnson]
If this is the best die young, then what about premature ejaculation? [Pierre Desproges]
professor of dead languages killed himself to speak the languages he knew.
What would you have engraved on your grave? Something short and simple. What? I come back in five minutes. [Eddie Braben]
A blind is a cripple who is entitled to only half a dog. [Jules Renard]
Only fools and dead who not change their opinion. [James Russell Lowell]
An ugly woman is the treasury of a house: it avoids many of the concerns.
Learning to die! And why? It is very successful the first time! [Chamfort]
It is better to be cuckolded widower that: there are fewer formalities! [Alphonse Allais]
There is no perfect happiness! the man said when his stepmother died and that he presented the bill for funeral. [Jerome K. Jerome]
newspaper cut into pieces no woman no interest, while a woman cut in pieces of interest to all newspapers. [Tristan Bernard]
I treasure my watch, my grandfather to me ' sold on his deathbed. [Woody Allen]
is very relaxing to be deaf. It tells you that much. [Sacha Guitry]
should never be a dull slap. He loses half the fun. He feels the blow, but he did not hear.
[George Courteline]
On his deathbed, the man thinks rather to elevate his soul as rabbits. [Louis Auguste Commerson]
The post-war are made to bury the dead and find some beautiful phrases. [Francis Blanche]
Jesus carrying his cross up the hill of Golgotha, would have liked to have a devil to help him. [José Artur] A
cremated can not be turning in his grave. [José Artur]
I want to be cremated and I want that 10% is paid to my manager, as it is written in my contract. [Groucho Marx]
If there was no science, how of us could benefit from their cancer for more than five years? [Pierre Desproges]
When trains derail, which hurts me, it is the dead first class. [Salvador Dali]

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The nail suffers as much as the hole. [Dutch Proverb]
Once he gave his opinion, it makes sense it has been turned over. [Albert Brie]
Who walks his dog at the end of the leash. [Serge Gainsbourg]
For carrot, the rabbit is the perfect embodiment of evil. [Robert Sheckley]
She inspires awe or terror. Being a pure state is very complex to achieve.
Purity is the reversal of malignant innocence. [Michel Tournier]
God looks clean hands, not his hands full.
Purity: an old word for which there is already resorting to the dictionary. [Etienne Rey]
More water is pure, the less fish. [Chinese Proverb]
The style is like crystal, purity is its brightness. [Victor Hugo]
Purity is the power to contemplate defilement. [Simone Weil]
Almost no one is pure enough for sins not deserve punishment. [Victor Hugo]
When you want to remain pure, we must not mingle to act on men. [Alfred de Vigny]
We believe pure as we despise what we do not want. [Marguerite Yourcenar]
These are not pure in heart who avoid the rain, but people carry umbrellas. [Anatole France]
purity, that virtue which brings joy in pain. [Thérèse Tardif]
Contemplating purity, it is a disease and not contemplation. [Hui Neng]
No End purity and no beginning to the impurity. [Indian Proverb]
Dost thou as chaste as ice and as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny. [William Shakespeare]
All To the pure all things are pure, and nothing is pure to those who are impure. [St. Paul]
The unconscious maneuvers of a pure soul is even more strange that the combinations of the defect. [Raymond Radiguet]
By faith we can cross currents. And it is wisdom that you get purity.
The love of a child is the purest of all. [Björk]
Beauty tongue is too holy and too pure for that we can paint it in words desecrated.
[Charles Lemercier]
The loss of a certain modesty as the loss of purity are the root causes of the decadence of the world. [Mother Teresa]
Chastity est le lis des vertus et, dès cette vie, elle nous rend presque semblables aux anges. Rien n'est beau que par la pureté et la pureté des hommes c'est la chasteté.[Saint François de Sales]
Il n'y a pas d'autre drame dans la vie d'un être que celui de l'instant, se répétant sans fin, de sa première perte de pureté... [Michel Chevrier]
La pureté est une fonction de l'âme, c'est la plus noble des vertus, et seuls ceux qui ont reçu ce don des dieux sont capables de grandes choses. [Jacques Filion]
Une âme pure est comme une belle perle. Tant qu'elle est cachée dans un coquillage, au fond de la mer, personne ne songe à l'admirer. Mais si vous la show the sun, this gem shines and attracts attention. [The Cure of Ars]
With the look simple, pure strength returns. [Christian Bobin]
Purity and simplicity are the two wings with which man flies over the earth and all nature ephemeral. [Thomas A'Kempis]
Freedom is a pure heart and a good position, the rest is slavery in the dark of night. [Quintus Ennius]
In any man, there is always an element of kindness and purity. Only when he lost it he lost everything. [Francis Ford Coppola]
purity, this sort of thing that makes all bloodless, which breaks all the right moves to be, preventing you from enjoying life, which makes souls skeletons. [Adrian Thério]
In an era of extravagant materialism, stupidity pontificating and verbal diarrhea, read a poem is to take a bath so clean, purity. [Robert Sabatier]
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Purity quip

born is to be in dire straits. [Arthur Koestler]
You, you put your point of honor not to be in the wind ! - I am afraid of taking cold. [Jean Anouilh]
More pebbles rolled, the more they are polished. For drivers, the opposite. [Alphonse Allais] The
skeptic is a man who does not suspect anything. [Paul Claudel]
mobile minds are not guaranteed against fixed ideas. [Aymond Aalst]
A question is not necessarily a fool under siege more than one partner is not necessarily an idiot of Cuban nationality. [Pierre Dac]
An accused is cooked when her lawyer does is not believed. [Pierre Dac]
promiscuous women sometimes have the heavy task with weight men. [Pierre Dac]
It is better to be elsewhere when otherwise share no longer here. [Pierre Dac]
A general never goes, even the obvious. [Jean Cocteau]
The word love is hard to combine: his past is not simple, its present is only indicative, and his future is still conditional. [Jean Cocteau]
It was both buttocks that front. [Raymond Queneau]
dint of drinking, I'm thirsty. [Maurice Roche]
Aperitif: contact lenses. [Antoine Blondin]
A good deed is never lost. That may be why we never find! [Jean-Pierre Vaillard]
Suffering from insomnia, I exchange a mattress of feathers against a leaden sleep. [Pierre Dac]

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Thoughts to dredge

Only the heart that goes as fast as the swallows. [Henri Lacordaire]
is when you shake a woman too closely is that it goes too far. [Alphonse Allais]
The only true language in the world is a kiss. [Alfred de Musset]
A legal kiss is never worth a stolen kiss. [Guy de Maupassant]
I never could see the shoulders of a young woman without thinking start a family. [Valery Arbaud]
Love is always take someone on a horse. [Jean Giono]
There are two ways to take a woman's waist and by the feeling. [Henry Bataille]
Love ... there are those who talk and there are those who do. From what it seems urgent to keep quiet. [Pierre Desproges]
A smile is a secret key that opens many hearts. [Baden-Powell]
I came to steal hundred million kisses. [Serge Gainsbourg]
People who send kisses are sacred lazy. [Bob Hope] I do not know
kiss, or I would kiss you. What do you do the nose? [Dudley Nichols]
almost Between yes and yes, there is a whole world. [Alfred de Musset]
As long as you have not been kissed by one of those rainy Parisian afternoons, you have never been kissed. [Woody Allen]
Without imagination, love has no chance. [Romain Gary]

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Chinese Proverbs Zen Koan

It does not satisfy a camel by feeding with a spoon.
feelings are more remote, more courtesies are numerous.
can be smart all his life and stupid for a moment.
Who's the donkey should not be surprised if the others to climb on.
If you do not want you to know, better yet do not.
Do not put yourself forward, but do not stay behind. Language
always stumbles on the tooth that hurts.
The first thirty years pass they can not wake up, les trente suivantes à ne pas pouvoir s'endormir.
Il est plus facile de déplacer un fleuve que de changer son caractère.
Si perçante soit la vue, on ne se voit jamais de dos.
Pour bien faire, mille jours ne sont pas suffisants, pour faire mal, un jour suffit amplement.
Mieux vaut les critiques d'un seul que l'assentiment de mille.
Quand une parole est lâchée, même quatre chevaux seraient en peine pour la rattraper.
Le mariage est comme une place assiégée ; ceux qui sont dehors veulent y entrer et ceux qui sont dedans veulent en sortir.

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Charles Nelson Paintball Inventor

What is the sound of one hand clapping?
A Day, a life.
The man looks at the mirror, the mirror looks at the man.
The swift current carried the moon did not.
When there is nothing more to do, what do you do?
An illusion can exist? Not
anxiety here, not anxious life.
I turn off the light, where is she?
Who excels at shooting does not hit the bull's-eye.
What was your face before the birth of your parents?
What you lack, seek it in what you have.
To determine whether water from a bowl is hot or cold, you have to put your finger ... It is useless to argue. One won, one lost.
Day after day, it's a good day
A free spirit, free universe. The curve can not include the straight line.
house poor, rich way.
Time looks at me and I looked at the time.
Light exists in the dark, do not see a dark vision.
Hatred only makes choices. Search
freedom and you become a slave to your desires. Look for the discipline and you will find freedom.
When an ordinary man reaches the knowledge, it is wise. When a wise understanding reached, it is an ordinary man.
The track is under your feet.
Bamboo exists above and below the node.
In the final analysis, anything is known only because we know the trusts.
Man looks the flower, the flower is smiling.
The delight of the ignorant and false glitter of novelty. Educated people find their pleasure in the ordinary.

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