Even if one part of ideation in this process, whenever I have a great pleasure to immerse myself in the world of Aikido and its values.
The symbol of the 7 folds of the hakama are their pictures:
Jin: benevolence, generosity must never cause trouble or unnecessary penalties in order to attract the attention to yourself.
Gi: honor, just decision, Justice. The sense of honor requires respect for self and others. It means being true to his word, with its commitments, the choice of his dojo, his Piano teachers ...
Rei: courtesy, etiquette, respect.
Chi: wisdom, intelligence.
Shin: sincerity. Sincerity is imperative in engaging martial: without it the practice is that simulation and lie, both for oneself and for others. The commitment must be total, permanent, unequivocal, as we all know that the illusion can not last long before the demands and the realism of the track.
Chu: loyalty. Value endangered in today's society, even though this value is the glue of our unwavering martial disciplines. The Budoka committed to a total loyalty and respect of internal rules loyal to his master and his school. This is the reflet de la rectitude du corps et de l’esprit du pratiquant.
Koh : piété au sens de respect profond et authentique des bases des pratiques martiales...
Gi: honor, just decision, Justice. The sense of honor requires respect for self and others. It means being true to his word, with its commitments, the choice of his dojo, his Piano teachers ...
Rei: courtesy, etiquette, respect.
Chi: wisdom, intelligence.
Shin: sincerity. Sincerity is imperative in engaging martial: without it the practice is that simulation and lie, both for oneself and for others. The commitment must be total, permanent, unequivocal, as we all know that the illusion can not last long before the demands and the realism of the track.
Chu: loyalty. Value endangered in today's society, even though this value is the glue of our unwavering martial disciplines. The Budoka committed to a total loyalty and respect of internal rules loyal to his master and his school. This is the reflet de la rectitude du corps et de l’esprit du pratiquant.
Koh : piété au sens de respect profond et authentique des bases des pratiques martiales...
C’est pour moi un grand bol d’air frais.
Il serait éminemment présomptueux de prétendre changer le monde au travers l’aïkido.
Je suis néanmoins convaincu que chaque aïkidoka peut jouer son rôle dans le cercle de son environnement (nichi jo no tai do).
« L'Aïkido est médecine pour un monde malade »
(Me Ueshiba, fondateur de l’aïkido)
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