Friday, July 2, 2010

Aubrey Miles In Prosti Free Watch


Leaving Santa Barbara, we were fortunate to encounter a Rest Area, which was our campsite for the night.

the morning, take the road direction to go to Rancho Guadalupe Guadalupe Dunes Preserve. This is the largest coastal dunes on the continent and this is where we shot some scenes of Pirates of the Caribbean. The scenery is enchanting, there are mountains of sand and the beach is superb.

stop in San Luis Obispo for coffee, abuse of the Internet but also admire a mural-decorated l’aide de vieux chewing gum mâchés.

Qu’est ce qui ne font pas ces Californiens pour innover.

Paso Robles… Le détour en valait la peine, car c’est magnifique. Vignobles sur vignobles, les paysages sont spectaculaires. Chez J lohr, on nous fait goûter plus de 12 vins délicieux qui me font rougir les joues.

PO est d’attaque pour reprendre la Highway 1.

C’est un des plus beau parcours we did during the trip. The road is littered with cliffs. At any moment, is believed to be on the verge of falling into the ocean.

The clouds are low level and it feels like to be able to catch them by stretching his arm. But several times, everything becomes white and cross walls of cumulus, stratus, cumulus-nimbus ... Also, on this road, there is a place called Piedras Blancas is a gathering place for elephant seals Despite the cold intense from the coast, we spent a good half hour watching them and I 25 minutes to the filming and photographing.

If the elephant seals we were surprised, zebras in California ... We did not know. PO failed to make an accident when I shouted: "Stop, turn zebras ... ... Ouch! "

short, it continues to say:" Wow, how beautiful! .

Big Sur is 145 km the coast and nature is incredible. We thought finding an affordable camp, but nasty surprise! All campsites are booked except for one that gives us a crapy site (term used by the girl at reception) for $ 40.

Yé where the next Walmart? When it arrives, we see the police about to warn other campers.

Yé where the next Walmart? This time, we request permission the officer's safety car which suggests rather the parking lot of Cosco. COSCO, but what a great idea ... we had not thought of yet!

All night I dreamed of Santa Cruz and its surfers. On waking, a few kilometers and we were there. It has paid a good brunch Walnut before moving to the Internet at the library. In Santa Cruz, it's cold up 1-2hPM, then there is at this time we are headed for the beach. The boardwalk is like the round, but with the sea and more.

We enjoy the beach and fun before heading back. On it, there are many farmers who have huge plantations on the edge of the water ... That's it, I want to become a farmer and OP does not seem against the idea!

This time it's true ... San Francisco is at hand!

To set the mood, must listen: The sound of San Francisco and for the more traditional: If You're Going to San Francisco ...

to 8hPM arrived, found the French family with whom we had visited and camped in Guatemala. Exchange of information and stories. Well we really happy to see them again!

Until next time for new adventures!


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