Sunday, July 18, 2010

Average American Women]

Typhoon and July 14

Comme certains d’entre vous le savent déjà, le premier typhon de la saison, Canson est passé mardi dernier sur les Philippines, heureusement, pas très puissant, on a juste eu un peu de pluie, beaucoup de vent pendant la nuit, et un black out d’environ 24h, mais bon, pas vraiment de catastrophe, du moins pas dans notre quartier, tous les restos et certains bâtiments de l’université ont des générateurs, donc quasiment tout fonctionnait correctement le mercredi, malgré l’impression de chaos que donnait les arbres au milieu de la route et les feuilles partout dans le campus, comme si a baby giant had enjoyed shaking all the trees at night.

But the Filipinos and their obsession with cleanliness helping at 11am, everything was cleaned almost.
In these moments we still think anyone who did not have a roof that night, all those street children who had to be afraid, feeling cold, injured, wet ... we realize the potential importance of simply 4 walls and a solid roof.

few hours after these sad reflections, I am ready, in evening dress and heels, makeup, and her hair went to celebrate as it should be July 14 at the Sofitel ...

Preparations with Celine, another French living in Barangka.

Crossing of Barangka in evening dress was pretty memorable, more for spectators than for us, fortunately, we find a taxi quite comfortable for 5 (minimum for taxis here, but good to 6 7 or 8 it also works), ; and go!

arrived outside the hotel, total shock to such luxury, so close to some of the poorest neighborhoods of Manila.

But the worst was entering the lobby, with the gargantuan buffet.

But before that, we were treated to speeches from the ambassador, the Philippine anthem (as every morning at 9 am in college), the Marseillaise,

Ambassador before a replica of the Louvre pyramid.

And finally, the fireworks with a glass of wine and a glass of champagne, then a huge plate with salad, fried potatoes, real bread (something not found here), with sausage and cheese (if you saw how the French threw themselves on the cheeses. ... I think the servers have had something to say upon returning home that evening.

And the dessert buffet was no less impressive.

But hey, too French, too white for me (how can I do to return to France ...), I was quite impressed with the number of students in Manila, NGOs or volunteers simply interns (law firm or firms). A night off from reality, but still much appreciated.

The pin ups, dressed all in all for less than 15 euros ...

And down stairs to the ballroom.

Contrasts of Manila, are his charm as his grief.


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