Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Do Platypus Get Rabies?


Arriving in San Francisco, it landed in a roller coaster.

Though strewn with eccentrics of all kinds, the city is full of coastline, hills and consequently of apical descent.

PO traveled even the most winding street, Lombard Street and took a lot of fun while I was immortalized in safety at the bottom of the apical side instead!

A feast for the eyes, but suffering for resigning who does not like the mandatory stops in the middle of the slopes (+ / - 45 °). The architecture is splendid. In the English style, the houses are built in height but with ornaments, colors, shapes that make them appear majestic.

Perdus dans cet univers qu’est San Francisco, on décide de s’inspirer de notre Lonely Planet pour commencer la journée. Il nous propose un parcours qui débute à Chinatown.

Boutiques, restaurants, populace... Au milieu des ruelles, on visite une fabrique de Fortune cookies et à deux pas de là, on est sur la Ross Alley.

Cet endroit a servi à plusieurs films dont Karaté Kid, Indiana Jones… Décidément, il pleut des décors de films en Californie, on se sent comme des vedettes.

Wonton soup before going to get excited at Coit Tower. The view is superb. We end our tour at the Levis site, dedicated to designer jeans.

Coming to San Francisco and omit the Golden Gate Bridge. No way! It is armed with our new bikes, because PO was equipped with the male version of my bike back, and we are heading towards the bridge. Biker (verb) the Golden Gate Bridge it's just sick.

off Alcatraz, San Francisco Bay ... Breathtaking! To return, we preferred to take the ferry to Pier 41. They are our beautiful new bicycles, but they have only one speed. Result: the ribs, no thank you! We enjoy the boat for a picnic and discuss with Canadians from BC. Pier 41: Good evening atmosphere on the docks! Minstrels, jugglers, dancers, vendors, smells, music and tourists are waiting for you.

Dmissionner nous attendait à la marina où nous avons finalement décidé de dormir. Pour faciliter notre sommeil bien mérité, on partage un bon repas et un gros pichet de sangria avec les Français. Nous nous doutions un peu de la légitimité de dormir à la marina et voilà que vers 11hPM les policiers se pointent. Ils nous disent qu’ils se doivent de nous avertir que nous sommes sur une propriété privée, mais nous conseillent presque de dormir là. Viva la marina, notre terrain de camping pour les quelques jours à San Francisco.

San Francisco…C’est grand et les activités sont nombreuses. Nous errons dans les rues; on ne peut se lasser de marcher dans cette ville, tout y est génial. Il y a des parcs un peu partout qui nous permettent de se détendre au soleil parce qu’à l’ombre il fait frette. La visite d’un parc nous amene à admirer les plus vieilles maisons de San Francisco, sept magnifiques maisons victoriennes.

Plusieurs quartiers composent la ville, alors nous avons essayé de sélectionner les plus intéressants. Nous avons déambulé sur les rues du quartier Haight, un quartier parfait pour moi. Il regorge de boutiques hippies où je me suis given to heart joy in shopping for vintage clothes.

I was sad, for lack of time I could not do any shopping great comfort PO.hihi We also visited Castro, the gay and honestly that Montreal seemed to us a hundred times more energetic and trendy. Maybe we were not there at the right time or maybe we just biased toward our neighborhood.

Union is rather a business district, filled the largest chain stores and crowded pedestrians. It is through the big names in the fashion that I PO confiscated my credit card! Haha

To move, forget the bike since the city has too much relief so we opted for buses and subways in San Francisco. By cons, late in the day, it was decided to take cable car , a kind of tram pulled by a cable underground and very famous in San Francisco.

We land on the edge of the bay where the mood is upbeat and will visit the herd of sea lions that sleep and play at Pier 39.

Our next destination, the wine region of California.

On the way to Sonoma Valley, we stopped in Sausalito did some shopping and we have dinner together with family Tirbois in a beautiful marina.

arrived in Sonoma, together, we settle for a few days camping at Sugarloaf State Park. We take the grill to make big comic and drinking good wine. Miuommmm!

We also visit some vineyards and taste the good food from California.

On 4 July, American Independence Day, we went to downtown Sonoma. There is a parade, booths of all kinds, in short a lot of festivities. We allow ourselves a little overwhelmed by the atmosphere in our home in the park just to see how they celebrate these Americans!

After a few nights camping in comfortable, we say adios and goodbye to our cousins. We start to Napa Valley. We borrow Silverado Trail to satisfy our taste buds. Most traders of wines from the region are established. Chandon, Mumm, Folies two, Mondavi ...

Can not do them all in one day, but we're also delighted that tired at the end of the day.

Sonoma and Napa, we were dazzled by their landscapes and bucolic country setting. Vineyards abound along the roads and mountains surrounding the valleys increase the magic of this region. The people are friendly and the wine is good ... What could be better?


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