Wednesday, May 12, 2010

White Stuff On Clitorous


We live a fairly relaxed day in San Cristobal. Camping is fun and we meet people from everywhere, including Americans who live in their Westfalia 11 years ... It is full equipped and they very nice! The ideal temperature is at 2200 meters' altitude, the day it's 30 degrees and the night is chilly. The city is beautiful and many shops we sell local products (coffee, amber, clothing, fruits and vegetables ... ). In short everything is nickel! (French influences encountered! lol)
Tonight, Mr. Switzerland we met came ringing ... euhhh rather knock on our door we suggest tamales of the lady down the street. We fully intend to try the tamales and this is the perfect opportunity because we said they are excellent. Already packed with our supper, we take our journey to go and meet this famous woman. In arriving at its booth (rather rustic), one hears the music and one is greeted with a smile. He ordered a tamale , but now there are lots of kinds. Our knowledge of tamales was enough primary ... We knew it was just some food (of pulp and other ingredients) served in a banana leaf!
Molo is with frijoles and crushed it with Verdura pollo and vegetables, another with meat and one with big beans. Their names ... you remember it too because we have chosen the first 2 cities. That's good, but for the Molo, one must be strong because it is spicy!
The dining experience was as good as the Canadiens tonight! We enjoyed our leaves Corn listening to the game live ... It's magic magic of technology ... And it is Po who is most welcomed!!
Le Canadien s'en va en finale de l'Est...Yahhhoooooouuuu!!!!


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