Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dentistry Sayings Quotes


Au rancho, il y a plein de monde : nous, les 5 Français, 2 Suisses qui font l’Amérique en 3 ans (dire que nous pensions faire un grand voyage), un Danois qui est arrivé hier en Westfalia mais qu’on a dû pousser parce qu’une pièce est cassée, un autre West qui vient de la Floride, des gens à moto… La camping est bien, il y a Internet, electricity, water, hot showers, for the cons toilet flush does not work, then you must fill the tank with water every time (It's good for my work-out). And it seems that the toilet bowls are rare in Mexico, I suggest that anyone considering this trip to lug his own bowl ... I'm about to go buy me one! Haha

Yesterday we went to Chamula is a few miles from here. Upon entering the village, we quickly found a parking spot and it goes green market. Along the way we see men tous assis ensemble portant de belles tenues, alors Lisabelle (alias kid kodka) se dit que ça ferait une super photo pour le blog. 

Voilà que 4 monsieurs vêtus d’un par-dessus de mouton blanc se dirige vers moi en faisant NO NO NO de la tête. Je me retiens de ne pas courir…et je finis par comprendre que je ne peux pas prendre de photos. Obligée de leur montrer celles que j’ai prises, mais les policiers (habillés de leur habit de chèvre blanc) me dit que c’est ok. Je me retourne vers PO et lui dit : I think I read something about the right to photograph the Indians of Chamula! Hahaha

Tristounette, I serve my Canon, while 2 knights are riding in the narrow streets of the market.

Everybody looks at us as the same time! We realize that every intersection, they are a sign of the cross, they take the reins in one hand, they have 2 eyes closed, in short we realize that we are witnessing un rite maya de prière (je suppose). On regarde ça un peu et on se décide à aller acheter nos passes pour l’Église.

Depuis quand il faut payer pour entrer dans une Église!!! En franchissant, la porte, je comprends que notre 4$ était un investissement spirituel. Dans cette Église, il y a des chandelles partout sur le sol, des chandelles cheap qui coulent partout, il y a même des petits gars qui se promènent avec des grattoirs pour nettoyer le sol. Les murs sont noirs à cause de la suie. Il n’y a pas de bancs, mais des gens assis sur leurs genoux, devant leurs offrandes, des poules. Qui a dit que la liquor was bad?? In this church, everyone drinks. He pays little shooters of Pepsi, Coca Cola, Fanta, 7up of ... hoping burp and bring out the nasty.

It also has healing rituals that are practiced. A man is standing, then walking another egg on his body while reciting prayers. When finished with the eggs, he repeated the same scenario with the bones. Around inside the church, there are furniture glass statues that protect the effigy All Saints, there is even San Antonio de Padua (St. Anthony of Padua, the saint that compels me to ask my mother when I lose something ... hehehe). 10 minutes in this environment, my head is spinning. Smoke, odors, murmurs of believers, the darkness, I come out and I breathe the sun, the air is good! The market is rather brief.

Fruits and vegetables are not that great and there are not many crafts. It spoils a Pepsi on a small terrace to cool question, not to evacuate our evil spirits! Haha And we take the road to San Cristobal de Las Casas.

In the afternoon, we'll walk through the village. The zocalo (public square) is crowded. I buy pants at the craft market located at the foot of the church below and OP is jealous, so today was a mission to find him! The pedestrian street is very pretty with its restaurants, shops and hotels ...

At the time, Po has just entered the West in saying: Envoy, we go to market before it's too late! I suspect to be eager to have new pants! hahaha


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