Sunday, May 2, 2010

What Is Skate Size J-10


Leaving the restaurant, our best plan was a service station on the edge of the highway. The dodo was average and early morning awakening. Is final, we hate the brake Jacob! We recommend to all people who cross borders Honduras-Guatemala by car to cross at Agua Caliente. Though long, we had almost nothing to pay ($ 4). Everything was simple, I mean well by simple on less complicated than usual.

En route to Antigua, we stopped to eat one of my great salads, improvised with the resources on board, at the foot of the volcano Ipala.

Crossing Guatemala City in rush hour, but what an idea! For 2 hours, we felt in the heart of downtown Montreal with the exception of motorcycles that run between the cars and no shortage of surprise PO which does not fail to surprise me when he writes: TA #@&#?$#$%?&* BA ... but what is he doing it!

8hPM, destination reached, but this city is designed like most travelers to bag-to-back. .. Hard to find a good spot to sleep and end up in the parking lot of the tourist police in the city of Antigua. This parking proves to be a ruin.

Contents, yes, because it is free, but the toilet, I'll spare you the details (mice, mold, insects bizaroïdes ...)!

Like Granada, Antigua is a beautiful city filled with cafes and restaurants. So easy to guess what we are doing our day ... We abuse the good things of life (food, coffee, beer ...) and you walk admiring the colorful Guatemalan clothing, architecture, buildings, volcanoes in the distance and all the wonderful things we come across.

By cons, here it's cold and often the afternoon, it rains. At the moment, we drink it a cup of coffee, chai latte me and we wear jeans and I him a big sweater and trying to keep warm. We are losing our spirit to tan. (Sniff sniff sniff! Lol)

We found the market madness of Masaya, but a little more organized. For the first time in my life, I heard he liked to shop ... PO

I'm in heaven !


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