Saturday, May 22, 2010

Maturebritish Women In Girdles

ISLA DE TULUM IS the dollar!

Nous avons bien profité de Campeche. Nous avons visité le Fuerte de San Miguel qui raconte l’histoire des fortifications de la ville et qui offre un accès au Museo de la Cultura Maya . From the top of the fort, we had a splendid view over the Gulf.

We also went to see the sunset from the promenade along the seafront

Inevitably, I had find me a way to shop a little (I was missing Guatemalan mercados), so we went to the Casa de las Artesanías . This home of 18 e century houses and some shops you can see a well inside.

Two nights in our wall that we just have not wanted to leave Campeche. But the saga continues!

you to visit other Uxmal ruins. The problem here is that there are so many ruins that no longer knows where to watch! PO sliced and has also greatly Ostina with the lady at the counter to pay the student rate. Unfortunately, you must be a local student and PO despite its air of lady-killer tan is always talking about not really Mexican.

Uxmal was great.

The temples of Palenque were quite different. Although both of these cities are concentrated around a central plaza, the buildings erected at Uxmal are decorated with beautiful mosaics depicting the Mayan gods. The God most present Chaak is the god of rain as this region is quite dry and the rains helped the crops. I love legends and rituals they practiced. I knew also that the Mayans believed the earth was flat and square. That each end was a cardinal point and was also associated with a color ( red in the east, white for north, black for west and south yellow). the center of the square, so the land there is a point of elevation is associated with green representing agriculture. Brief history Maya is really fascinating.

Undecided vis-à-vis the next steps in the journey, you pull a coin. Next Bacalar! It thus goes to Bacalar and it goes in search of the French family campsite which we had spoken. We did not know there was a festival at this time of year to Bacalar, the festival of mosquitoes. And all we find is a lady sitting in the middle of his chickens that tells us that there is a campsite. That was five times that passed by, and we were convinced that all people who are had requested had screwed us. No signs, no posters, no gate, no tents, no other campers, but the bugs at will! Gracias Madame, we go to another call. It finds a man who says he is three kilometers from another campsite. He embarks on a ride and 10 miles farther we fall into a place, you know, death ... The view is very pretty, but there is not a cat. All I notice are the toilets. The men's side door and not a urinal completely dirty and the women's side a shower curtain is a door. The problem is the curtain is made of brown dirt and it flies in the wind. It feels not too much! It is already 6hPM and the sun goes down. We're going to Tulum in Tulum is saying that it will be top to find a place to sleep. Frankly, we did not really sleep but rather to take a shower. Unaccustomed to the heat, climb the temples of Uxmal was quite tiring and we soaker. On the autopista , resigning falls ill, he starts making a funny noise. PO, as Nostradamus, announces an alternator problem. But me because I am a talented mechanical engineer, I am very calm and I think as it rolls, it rolls!

Tulum is a paradise for people who have too much money and must spend it. The beach is beautiful, but the exorbitant prices of hotels leave us bitter. It's midnight and we walk relentlessly Zona Hotelera looking for a place to sleep. We're exhausted, it's raining and unpleasant people we meet do not allow us to sleep in their parking lots. We end by returning to the centro and it will ask Weary Traveler Hostel it is possible to take a shower. It folds open centro de Tulum beside the main road and close to a nightclub. The West is not level, we are tired and disillusioned of Tulum, but at least it is clean!

the morning, have lunch in a small restaurant and you go back into the vortex of Zona Hotelera . We thought that the day we had a bad dream, but this was really a nightmare. Our objective was to dig up a shack quality to share with our couple friends who come to Cancun in about a week. Disaster ... The price for a week is between $ 150 and $ 200 per night, just a little more than our budget allows! It is discouraged because, in addition to camp in this part of the country is $ 30 per night!

for resigning, there is an excellent doctor, a mechanic in gold, according Notradamus who was right. For those who understand and are interested, the bearing of the alternator were capouts, but there they are all brand new and the mechanic gold washed each part of the alternator before reassembling and reinstalling. PO eyes shone! Haha

On the road again to Xpu-Ha, but it is at Paa Mul campsite we decided to sleep, because at 30 $ per night, you want a pool and Internet.

Here we wondered about our upcoming adventures! Isla Mujeres??


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