Friday, May 7, 2010

Can Collector Garnish Unemployment


During the last few days we reliving family life since we met and spent time with a French family crossing America in full force in a camper. .. What a great time!
Firstly when we decided to leave Antigua, he was 10hAM and we were supposed to be in Panajachel around noon. Now we learn that there is an event in Chimaltenango, causing enormous traffic. Dead, nada, we do not move not for almost 1 hour and laugh at the cow that is on the wayside and that does not bawling. PO get tired, there he is beginning a U-turn in the middle where he should not make U-turn. U-turn is, every 200 meters we ask our way around the damn event.

4h30PM, we arrive at the destination, completely washed, starved, and above all filled with a beautiful landscape that we had the chance to see. Lake Atitlan is beautiful, it is surrounded three giant volcanoes that continue to amaze us every morning because sleeping on the waterfront. We sleep in the hotel Tzanjuyu is illegitimate as a noun, like the toilet, but the view is incredible!
So we joined the family of French (Muriel, David, Charlie, Zoe and Little Rose) camping and eating BBQ. Bad timing potatoes, meat, bananas, nothing was ready at the same time but everything was delicious! haha

The next day on an expedition by boat to visit 2 of the 12 villages surrounding Lake Atitlan, San Pedro and Santiago.
We had a great day walking the streets of both villages. The clothing of Guatemalans are so unique and colorful that you can not get tired of watching them and take their picture without their knowledge or sometimes with their consent.
PO and I agreed on saying that the three boat rides were the best times of the day. In return, we try again and this time the grill is a great success! Lol All the ingredients and everyone at the same time. Market, we found fresh mint to make infusions bin ... no we have been purchased to make mojitos worthy of the name! Miammm
market of Chichicastenango held another of our days. Located about an hour of Panajachel, we went there early in the morning and decide to come back the same night at camp. Describe our day at the market: shopping, shopping, shopping, all accompanied by negotiations that can sometimes bring down prices by more than 50%. Lively markets ...
We also visit a church where Mayan rituals are practiced. Many believers ascend the stairs on their knees, others threw their alcohol on the pavement, others enfument air. All pray and believe. Strangely, the saints are dressed in the clothes of Guatemalans! I read that Catholicism was different from Guatemala, car lorsque les frères sont venus s'installer ici, ils ont enseigné à la population une religion différente, qui s'adaptait plus facilement à la culture maya. 

Trop satisfaits de nos achats...
Nous devons à notre retour faire du ménage!!! Merci encore Guy pour la boîte...elle nous permet de stocker du stock!! ahaha

Today, more molo, one wanders the streets of Panajachel, but the day began with a jaunt around the lake in Westfalia. We visited Santa Catarina and San Antonio. In San Antonio, we found a nice spot to eat our bowl of cereal and three kids we have served our guests begging for empty bottles.
Currently, you can enjoy the late afternoon, we will probably go for a walk on the waterfront before attacking the Happy hour is always popular!


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