Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Charles Worthington Shampoo Canada

TUMULOS tumultuous Maya

sad to leave our little routine San Cristobaloise, we take off about eleven o'clock.

- Time to go to the bank Azteca , the only exchange U.S. dollars into pesos, which offers a bad rate.

- Time to get me one last delicious pastries at the bakery run by a French pedant. And unfortunately closed Mondays, so I always leave with the taste of biting into a famous crescent.

- Time to refuel, resigning for gas, for PO and coffee for me tampico (the best orange juice Chemical Central America).

On the road to Palenque, one crosses a fortress ... Bin is not a military camp ridiculous, worthy films Asterix! They must protect themselves!

Sur la route, j’ai pas mal mal au coeur (j’ai pas mal au coeur d’habitude), en plus des tumultueux tumulos il y a des sinueuses sinuosités… Ça tourne, ça tourne, ça tourne! Ça tourne tellement qu’il faut que je me tienne après mon banc.

Sur la route, on fait une escalle de quelques heures à Agua Azul. C’est beaucoup plus développé que v’là dix ans, mais tout aussi charmant. Qui ne veut pas se laisser charmer par des lagunes d’eau claire et des paysages de rêves. On s’est saucé vite vite car l’eau était glaciale, mais on est resté là à observer les locaux pratiquer leurs flips et sauter à la corde à Tarzan.

Si à Agua Azul, il commençait à faire chaud, à Palenque c’est le summum. On fait un rapide tour de ville en voiture et on se rend à Maya Bell, le camping. J’avais dit à PO que Palenque était l’endroit le plus humide que j’avais visité et ce fût confirmé par une pluie plus que généreuse qui dura toute la nuit. Of misery, we had to sleep with doors and windows closed because there were mini bugs, the kind that go through the nets!

wake up, disappointed, as it always rains! But brave as we are, we decide nothing will prevent us from following in the footsteps of the Maya! I prepare my bag to go take my shower at the campsite, but I end up back in the West 2 minutes later ... If Bibite of yesterday were small, the size of insects in the morning I wash my discourages Bin ... yes! ! I'm chicken! But nobody got said that the big bugs do not eat humans! haha

Contemplation, excitement, admiration ... We enjoy every step in Maya land. We decide not to take a guide, but we invent crazy stories about the sites we visit. Eg "There was the cinema on Saturday night perceiving a series of benches in the open air" or "On the table there, they made human sacrifices." In short anything! We laugh!

Most turned back tours, car rental and street vendors are virtually absent, great! We are soaked, but everything is great ... super until you follow the sign that reads salida (output). saperlipopette of Salida, we found two kilometers from the parking lot of entrada original! Two kilometers of pure pleasure, in a fierce rain and to make a person feel BA (give us a ride)!

Finally, although happy to trade the rain for the truck, one starts to Campeche on perfectly straight roads, it makes a change! After 300km, we found the sea, golf bin ... and lil 'fishing villages!

Prime campsite our book: The club nautica ... They are crazy Mexican 350 pesos for the night and is already 7hPM!

Campeche is a really beautiful city, a mix of Old-Port of Mtl and scenery of New York movies! Nice mix in my head anyway! Lol The houses are painted in watercolors and colored people are really nice.

In addition, there is close, but when I say everything is all ... McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, university and even Walmart. In fact it is not even a Walmart is a Super Walmart!

the militant resistance against Walmart: Sorry, but I can not! Walmart is my oasis, my km 2 intense pleasures. PO, believe it or not, relishes almost as much as me! He returned with an armful of Bebel we are looking for a long time. But the satisfaction is that we know in advance the price. Everything is displayed and you are sure not to get fucked lol

Dinner show: our entry into the city coincides with a national festival d’arts et cultures! Nous mangeons avec les rythmes de la danse et de la musique mexicaines. On se fait aborder par une madame et son fils qui semblent bien impressionnés par notre casa rodante (maison mobile). Alerte, ils nous disent qu’à Cancun, il y a pleins de ladrónes (voleurs)!!! Jason et Émilie, on ne va plus vous chercher !!! hahaha Bin non, on est OK, on a une hache et un couteau!!! hahaha Bin non, ils nous ont juste dit de ne pas laisser Dmissionner tout seul!

We camped in the open finally centro de Campeche. We sleep around central park illegally, but is ñ ora tourist center told us it was safe! In addition, the city is surrounded by a large fortress (wall 2.5 km long by 8 meters high) that was built to protect against pirates in 1686!

It is really good and safe!


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