Saturday, May 8, 2010

Small Pox Create Infertility?


Here we are in North American lands. We are currently in San Cristobal de Las Casas in Mexico. This morning we left around 8:30 Panajachel. We drove nearly four hours before reaching the border. The roads were very, very sinuous, I was sick at heart, but as I said the scenery was magnificent regularly. Customs was as magical as the landscape, almost nothing to pay and no more than an hour. It would have been even shorter if we had not come to the counter Migracion along with a busload of nuns in El Salvador! But hey if dios quiere, quiere dios (God willing)! While paperwork settled and only $ 5 for fumigation Fumigation is ... anything ... They doused the vehicle with disinfectant to prevent it carries bugs or I do not know what! Anyway, the guy was well aware that it does not kick inside the car with its product poison ... We will not sleep in the rest of fumigation. I told him: Es nuestro señor casa!

Precisely speaking of home, resigning Pogner had a good headache today because as the title says it encountered an unimaginable number (I had to really count them) of tumulos of topes of vibrators ... These kind words, bad for the West, they are synonyms of speed humps, bumps that are everywhere in the streets Montreal. But here, the bumps, they are not sweet Pantoute and they are not always appropriate. On two occasions I found myself in the head because the ceiling was PO in the moon ... I'll cure me his coffee! Hahaha

At 8hPM (with the time change because we lost one hour) we arrived at the ranch of Nicolas, is the campsite where we will spend a few days, the time to explore San Cristobal Las Casas and surrounding areas. We found the French family and we ate a delicious broccoli spaghatt specialty Muriel.

Crevé, PO dort actuellement à côté de moi…Pas facile les routes sinueuses et les tumulos!!!hihi Mais moi aussi, je tombe littéralement de fatigue et demain on part à la découverte des marchés de la région, c'est dimanche!

Ah oui!!! Faut pas que j'oublie...À toutes les mamans, bonne fête et plus particulièrement aux nôtres, désolés de ne pas être avec vous pour bruncher, mais vous savez comme on vous aime! Gros câlins!!!xxx


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