Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Velveeta And Rotel Commercial Recipe

CALINE Putin assails

back to Las Peñitas, Christmas is left in Quebec but we meet Diane and John, who offer us their hospitality for 2 nights. PO dreamed of returning to eat a carne a la plancha in the Big Bertha (the restaurant where we had been the first time with the gang in Quebec: see previous post), so we're back in their company.

We enjoy the sea only when we went to eat a hamburger at Ola azul , otherwise we rested at the edge of the pool.

Unfortunately, it was green and I was mauve I could not pitch inside. The second night we released a secret envelope, an envelope of poutine sauce St-Hubert. Miammmm So we shared a dinner typical Quebec and we were able to introduce Alex (who lives in a nica Diane and John) to Poutine. He moreover said that he liked??

far as one could travel the highways and live by their green vegetation, as in Nicaragua, for the most part we traveled, everything is dry. It becomes often disconcerting to see so much poverty, people living in houses with plastic or metal and have probably not all easy access to water and electricity.

In our journey to reach the border ordurienne (Honduras), we have seen many industries (coffee, rice and tobacco). Without much we linger, we could see huge plantations and feel their glow. I will never be the same image when I'll cook the rice in the future.

La saison des pluies arrive bientôt et ça se sent. La chaleur est vraiment intense. On a l’impression que des vapeurs émanent du sol tellement l’air est lourd. Quand on a la chance de prendre des routes qui surplombent les montagnes, on sort nos mains par la fenêtre et on se dit tout joyeux : Tu sens comme l’air est frais!

Arrivés à Octocal, à 45 minutes de la frontière, nous recherchons ardemment une place pour dormir. Le premier hôtel nous charge 10$ pour dormir dans un garage. Sans brise, ce n’est pas un bon plan pour nous. Ensuite nous demandons, nous nous renseignons… The bomberos (firefighters), let us sleep in their parking lots for $ 1, but must admit they have a little shady cat burglar. So we see the hotel la frontera . Glad to see a nice hotel, we will ask to sleep in the parking lot. Bin we left the car and I was treating the locos (crazy). They wanted us to pay $ 32 to camp in their yard! Sick! Finally, we found a decent place (with toilets that PO has blocked and broken this morning) hahaha! $ 7 in return, we stayed at the hotel Bel bank safe since there was a guard aged about 75 who was responsible for monitoring. It rained dehorning cattle all night.

6hAM Here it is with apprehension, we are heading towards the customs! Hopefully, we'll be in Guatemala tonight!


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