Friday, January 22, 2010

Drainage Ideas For Washer

Predation ...

Success indifference or antipathy often attract seedy characters jealous or evil in their minds and evil in their skin, see ambitious cost. Some
(es) combine all these beautiful patterns.

It finds no limit to the evil when you discover the strategies employed by some, with virtually undisguised desire to harm.

After threats made via electronic mail and couriers, the various diversions malicious threats and attempts to pressure through elected representatives, it now appears that certain officials "responsible" could face them also influenced by these same strategists for harm to our "sport".

We have always been right in our beasts and that is probably what most disturbs those who can not operate otherwise than by the networks of influence, les chantages et les délations plutôt qu’en démontrant leurs réelles compétences ou capacités créatrices.

On sait tous que certains personnages troubles à l’aise dans les milieux glauques font des pieds et des mains pour se lier "aux politiques" afin d’en tirer profits et pouvoirs personnels. L’aïkido est à l’opposé de toutes ces magouilles et seul compte pour nous l’honnête chemin que nous nous sommes fixé, visible au travers nos actions et notre discipline.

On constate une fois de plus qu’il existe 3 catégories de citoyens : ceux qui construisent dans l’intérêt de la société (dont font aussi partie volunteers), those who consume, and the third who creates nothing, produces nothing, does nothing, consisting of predators who take advantage of all systems and all the opportunities but at the same time strive to criticize and tear down to justify their eyes their shabby and sterile existence.

It's not trying to diminish others that one is up ...

Well done his way and let them say ... but how do we suffer repeated attacks and deficient in silencing us without replicating ? Cinq années d’attaques sournoises , sporadiques mais constantes, ça fait déjà beaucoup...
Ce n’est pas parce que nous ne sommes jamais entrés dans les « jeux » conflictuels que nous avons été aveugles.
Nous n’avons pas davantage été dépourvus de possibilités de ripostes mais notre philosophie - d’aïkidokas aussi - et notre approche de la relation humaine, ne se situent pas sur le terrain des conflits et encore moins au niveau des égouts.

Le vide n’était-il pas la meilleure réponse ou non-réponse

Le courage ne faisant pas partie des vertus de nos prédateurs, their manipulations are - of course - usually in the shade when not fortuitous encounters and taking advantage of meetings, cocktail parties, so-called 'social' that can easily be made by the suckers and naive, for networks friends ...
their address books and phone numbers - made up mostly of people held power - are real directories and constitute their main tool to pull the strings.

attempts nuisances went in all directions, perverse imagination and hard knowing no apparent limit

We know our outrage here because it's like back to the days of cabals: one of the latest findings of those who want our extinction is to try to suffocate us - including multiplying the obstacles to promoting our club - we usually do so in the mailboxes on various grounds and stands.

Again, it's wrong because we know we are far from muzzled into silence, we will use whenever possible all means - including internet tools - to advertise our business and our dojo and revealing backstage those who would have us put a knee earth.

Seven times eight times standing on the ground (Japanese proverb ...)

Aikido is now on the town for over thirty years including the last 14 with the same teacher the animation team, which is a pledge of commitment and loyalty.
Meanwhile our little town has seen these last 10 years have increased activities of combat sport and martial arts.

Aikido is not a sport competition, it has no sponsor and therefore not listed in any current media: TV, radio, newspapers.
is why it is necessary for aikido clubs like ours, using posters, leaflets and local publications, that anyone operating in the universe is aware of our discipline.

You should also know that accidents often reveal what is hidden will be the best and without having taken any steps in this direction.

We inform that the record here to support our intriguing is thick, well documented and that legal proceedings can not be excluded.

We wish that in future their "friendly networks" are at least to temper them.
Ultimate Board and that the message gets through: they leave us alone and let us practice our discipline in the serenity that obviously "they" envy.

Boomerang, "he said of an act that turns against its author: this is such words as irreparable acts."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Spanish Reception Wordings


can voluntarily submit to a holder of authority if it has jurisdiction and powers are appropriate and well used.
The trouble is that this is rarely the case and that the powers often become tyrannical and against our freedoms.
Freedom is proportional to the length of the rope, the challenge is to identify the gems most likely to give long ropes.
In practice it says is a finger and the arm that it happens when it's not the whole body and soul.
Democratic systems are just as bad ...
But where are the fine theories alloys which we never saw the tail of an eye!
In the 70s/80s the "Workshops" were flourishing everywhere yet?
utopias in fact.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

How Should Your Cervix Feel During Ovulation


Les gens sont de plus en plus lâches et perdent tout sens de l'honneur.
Même ceux qui pratiquent un sport d'équipe ont parfois du mal à dissimuler leurs tentations de tricheries, celles qu'ils côtoient au quotidien dans nos sociétés corrompues.
Les règles qui faisaient la fierté de nos civilisations sont toutes en voie de disparition.
Ce sont tout particulièrement nos politiques (qui pour la plupart mettent leurs propres intérêts en avant dans leurs démarches) ainsi que les notions de profits financiers qui sont introduites partout et en tous domaines, qui pourrissent les citoyens et l'âme humaine.
Rien d'étonnant we encounter more and more people are idealists who go crazy just by being extremists: they merely imitate them and acting in an underhand manner but not "naive".
This is obviously not the solution but are convinced that only the man as an individual can make the changes.